Today is Wednesday the 27th day of July in about a half hour it will actually be 28 July in Marilao.
I woke up at about 5:30 AM this morning and called Nora they are experiencing the wet weather associated with the typhoon a lot of rain and wind, but hopefully by Friday, the day she wants to go to St. Luke’s and get her vaccinations, the typhoon will have died down to nothing.
About 6 AM I left the house to go to McDonald’s for coffee and then returned home at about 7:30 AM. I then made a little journey and took care of some business. When I got home I cleaned out the back of the pickup with a broom and so now it’s nice and clean again.
I have something coming today, a delivery, either Dragon dictate or perhaps something from Apple computer I’m not sure which. I’m hoping that Mike, the fellow who picked up stuff from moms garage yesterday will call me and let me know when he would like to come back and complete the job.
Yesterday I put an ad on craigslist for the Harley and also an ad for the upright organ that is still at mom’s house. Perhaps later today I will take a picture or of the console radio/record player that is still there and put an ad on craigslist for that also. I’m asking $35 for the organ which is a steal.
I need to call Dr. Thayer today and remind them that they need to reorder my toprol medication. Somehow they failed to include that in the order to EzScripts pharmacy.
Other than that I have no specific plans for today, at some point this week I had hoped to go to the credit union and see if I can straighten out that little fiasco.
Well I had a situation with my iPhone that I was finally able to fix, I had to jailbreak my phone but now I no longer have a restrictions password and I downloaded an application that allows me to run a program without unlocking my phone. The jailbreak only took about 30 seconds and now I can download any Cydia applications I want. And I really like that.
I’ve gotten me extended warranty for my new Mac I also got the magic bar to connect the keyboard and the magic trackpad and my printer showed up today.
Del just came over for a visit and stayed for about 45 minutes than he had some place to go and other things to do so he left. After that, I went to Larry’s house and asked if they were going to finish the house and they were concerned that Lori was not going to be paid and I told him that I would pay her $100 making a total of 400 labor for them. The dumpster came today and I put it in the garage. They will go down tonight finish the house, and make sure it’s completely empty and everything left will be in the garage.
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