Well here it is Monday morning and the time right now is 8:30 AM. I got home from coffee at about 7:45 AM and started looking at one of Lollies photo albums that she posted on Picasso.
At about 8:15 AM I called Dr. Thayer’s office to see if I could get in to see him this morning. They have a 15 min. appointment available at 11 AM so I will be there at that time. Cindy checked my chart and said that there was no report written up from the Lebanon hospital emergency room visit that I made Saturday.
No news yet from the embassy, but is 11:30 at night so that makes good sense, I did however, get a reply that they had received my e-mail.
I will add to this a little bit later after I see what Dr. Thayer has to say.
I just called Ries plumbing to see about an estimate to replace the on-demand hot water system with a conventional gas tank style water heater...
I am going to stop by the fire department and make sure my FireMed insurance is up to date...
Re-instated my firemed insurance and added the family to the list of eligible people. Went on over to see Dr. Thayer, he said that he is sure the dropping of the Hydra... medication (water pills) was the culprit and wrote me another prescription for another water pill that doesn’t have the same side effects. He also reassured me that there is no Arterial problem leading to the high blood pressure, rather he believes it is the stress and meds change that caused it… he read the EKG results and lab results from the ER and said all is good there.
Frank, from Santiam Plumbing came to the house and looked at the Bosch tankless and told me that he can install a water heater where I want it.
Del came over, wanted me to show him how to set up his voicemail on his phone, I showed him how and also sent him an email with the instructions on installing it and changing his password.
Called Nora at 4:10pm, she had just gotten up, we chatted for just a little and then I told her to have coffee and breakfast and call me back when she was finished. She said OK. I also informed her of the things Dr. Thayer told me so she feels better about all that stuff too.
I just got an email from the US Embassy 7:20 PM. Nora’s Visa was approved Aug 15, 2011.
MacJournal 7.0.1b5
5 years ago
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