Well I made it through another week albeit a rather expensive one, but at least it’s finished for now.
Nora called me this morning before the alarm went off which was just fine. She says to me “honey, you know what?” I said to her no, what? So she tells me I have the visa! I could see the happiness in her words she is so relieved and so am I. She told me that she will go to Manila tomorrow to see the travel agent and buy the tickets for her and the children.
She knows what she has to do and she knows that wherever she enters the United States she will have to go through immigration and it will take a little time because there are 3 of them to do. I hope that she chooses to go through Guam or Hawaii or even a straight through flight to Portland would be good. I expect I will have a schedule from her by Monday perhaps even some time yet before I go to bed tonight.
I cleaned up the Mini Cooper washed the outside, the inside, the Windows, the door jambs then vacuumed everything inside and cleaned the floor mats. It looks pretty darn good. I am considering whether I want to wax it or not. Maybe no.
It is a beautiful day today I probably should call Mark and see if he plans to pick up the Toyota today or not. I also need to go down town to the carpet place and see about having mom’s home re–carpeted. Then I need to send Lollie and Gareth a bill for the money I’ve spent already on the house.
It is going to be nice weather all week long and from what I understand quite warm. I’m glad I have the majority of things that I need to do outside completed.
MacJournal 7.0.1b5
5 years ago
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