Good morning everyone as the headline announced today is Thursday I went to McDonald’s this morning at about a quarter till 6 AM sat there had my coffee got into an argument with Tim and then left at about 7:45 AM to go down and pay the plumbing bill. While I was there I asked Frank to stop by and give me an estimate to run the black gas line over to where the new gas range will eventually go.
I also asked Frank about putting in a water recirculation pump under the kitchen sink which would allow us to have instant hot water at any faucet vice having to let the water run for so long before it becomes hot it will be an over time savings for us. The cheapest pump I have seen which looks pretty good and gets very good reviews is over $200.
The pickup didn’t want to start this morning, to give you a little history it has always used a little water and in the back of my mind I guess I always knew it had a seeping head gasket. I think it is no longer just seeping. I will call Mark Moreland today and get an estimate to repair it. I hope that the head is not warped.
When I talk to Nora this morning, and also yesterday morning she indicated that she will leave the Philippines at the end of the month… I wish it were next week. Well more money goes out again I guess. Today I need to call the car rental places and see what it will cost me to rent either a small van or a sedan to go pick up the family when they arrive in Portland.
Perhaps more will be added to this today I’m not sure if not, I hope you have a wonderful day.
MacJournal 7.0.1b5
5 years ago
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