I woke up about 5:30 AM this morning and left the house at about a quarter till 6 to go to McDonald’s for coffee. Ralph was there and later Rick Alexander came in. I left at about 7:30 AM to come home. When I got home Nora asked me where are the “apple pies”, I had forgotten so I went back down and bought 4 of them.
Maybe today I will wash the windows on the inside at least in the kitchen and in Joyce’s bedroom and possibly the front room also.
I do have the appointment with Larry Anderson at the high school this morning at 10 AM.
After the talk with Mr. Anderson, I came away thinking that the whole process is going to take a little time and even then I am not too sure of what the eventual outcome will be. Hopefully, for Kenneth, it will be good.
This afternoon, we went to Wal★mart and got a couple of bulbs to try with my night lite idea then stopped at the dollar store and Bi-Mart to get plug end and switch. Then to Bi-Rite for the cord but they don’t have any so off to Economy to buy that and the base for the bulb to fit into.
Made it home finally then I stayed in the garage to put it all together and will try it out tonight. We got the kitchen curtains back up after scratching our head for awhile to find out which combination went where and now as I look at it I see it is still not right. But it will be.
Nora is talking to her Father in the Philippines now...
The evening is quiet, watching TV and chatting a little bit. Nothing more from Lollie tonight.
Brian should deliver our new gas range tomorrow morning and Frank should be here to install the new gas line to feed it.
We watched some television for a little while and then went to bed about 9 PM.
MacJournal 7.0.1b5
5 years ago
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