Today, I will take my new family to Albany to meet Dr. Thayer who has graciously accepted my new family as patients. He will spend approximately ½ hour with each of them in a “Getting to know you” appointment.
This morning, I and maybe Nora will walk Joyce to the bus stop by Columbus park and 10th st.
Other than the appointment with Dr. Thayer, we don’t really have anything special to do… I would like to hope that maybe the money will quit seeping from my wallet eventually. It has been an arterial flow up until now.
We will go to 7 Oaks this morning, I would like to be there at 10am to check on the lunch program as I understand that lunch is not free.
picked up Joyce about 10;15AM then off to Albany and Dr. Thayer… that visit went well and he has the information on all three of them now.
On the way thru Lebanon, we stopped at BurgerKing to get some lunch, another $22 shot. Everyone likes burgerking better than McDonald’s. Can’t say I blame them either.
Dropped Joyce off at school then home. Shortly after we got home, Maria and Melba came by to take Nora and Kenneth shopping in Salem, don’t know when they will be home but wished them a good time.
I then took the Toyota out to see if the landfill was open, found it closed, only open on the weekends.
Drove out to Myron’s and unloaded all that would burn and tossed some stuff in the bushes across the street from his place.
Came home and knocked the desk apart and cut up what I could not knock off, now to find a place to dump it…
I will walk down and meet Joyce’s bus at about 3:30 or so.
Joyce’s bus arrived at about 3:45. She was happy and smiling and told me she had a good day. Makes me happy that she is adjusting quickly to what has to be a dramatic change in her schooling atmosphere. I am proud of her.
I called Melba, they are at Target in albany and will likely be home around 7 or 7:30. I told her to have a good time and enjoy herself… I am sure Kenneth is having the time of his life with those 3 women.
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