Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011 7:48 AM Another week, it is wet outside, but not raining.

Slept good, Nora had a pretty good headache going when she finally came to bed, I made her take 2 excedrins and that seemed to take care of it. We will go to Costco today, stock up for the month I guess… hope it’s not like the last time. Coffee is made, Nora is talking to her sisters to arrange for her mother to remain interred where she is, in the Philippines, you only get to contract for a burial place for 5 years at a time… if you cannot pay, the bones are removed and disposed of. hmmmmmm. Another good case for being BBQ’d. Dust to dust.

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