Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17, 2011 7:32 AM Thursday morning it's not raining yet but is coming! It's coming…

I woke this morning at about 6:14 AM and I was going to go to McDonald’s for coffee but stayed home out of concern that schools might call Nora for work and as I am her only method of transportation I wanted to be available for her I will go tomorrow. 

Because she doesn’t have to be at Hamilton Creek until 9 AM.
She wants to check with the employment office today which is fine I don’t mind.

I am considering buying the groceries to make tacos for dinner tonight hopefully they will like them, it’s a pretty simple dish.

I will be going to Economy to pay the bill there today and return the caulking tube that I didn’t use for the bathroom tub trim.

Nora is having problems logging into FaceBook and just a moment ago could not even log into Safari even though we have connectivity to the router and the internet. Weird stuff.

We went to Wal★mart and then to Mega Foods.  After that we went to the Employment office to reset Nora’s password for ‘ImatchSkills’, their online database of jobs.  From there we went to the thrift stores to see if we could locate a used guitar case… no luck.

The lamp socket I got for the lamp behind the big screen is not the correct one, I will have to return it to Wal★mart and get the right one.

Went to Economy and paid $25 on my bill, I have a bal of $14 now to pay.

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