I woke up at about 7 AM this morning. I was laying there thinking about my neck and how I may have acquired the boil and wondering if perhaps it might have been a spider bite. After I got up I took off the tape and a cotton ball and when I looked at the cotton bowl there was a number of spots of blood on it. That tends to make me believe that it has come to a head Begun to drain.
Starting the day off with a smile is always a good idea, that’s not to say that it’s always possible but it is always a good idea.
I’m not sure exactly what the weather forecast is for today, but if I remember correctly the high is only supposed to be in the 40° area about 46° I believe.
As Joyce was leaving for school she asked me if I could take a poster board with some papers taped on it to school for her at lunch time and I told her yes of course we could do that.
I’m not sure exactly what Nora wants to do today, but I know that she needs to get enrolled in the SAL SYSTEM.
We also need to go to this Wells Fargo bank so she could pick up her new credit card… actually it is a debit card.
At about12:30 PM w left the house and took the poster board to Joyce’s school. After that we went down to Wells Fargo bank and picked up nor is new debit card and had it activated. Then she decided she wanted to go look in some of the secondhand clothing stores, and ended up buying for new tops.
I had called Crocker cars to inquire about the 2nd key for the Impala and Corey informed me that they didn’t have one. I told him that if they would pay to have one made I would give him the 2nd key for the Mini Cooper which otherwise would cost him about $400 to have made. He jumped on that idea. (A good choice I thought).
My neck is really bothering me the carbuncle or boil those on the back is very irritating now and I will probably have to go to Dr. Thayer to have it lanced and drained. It is the 1st one I’ve ever had.
We eventually made it back home and after a little bit the kids started drifting back from school. We had some broiled beef spareribs for dinner, they were not tender but broiling meat does not make it tender.
After dinner we watched some TV Nora played some poker games then about 9 PM I went to bed to watch some “King of the Hill” and then some “Family Guy”. My neck is really sore. Good night…
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