Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ralphy, I love you...

This is not a post of happiness, but rather one of potential saddness.  Julie called and the Vet says that Ralphy does indeed have a tumor on his spleen and it's not a small one.  His arthritis in his spine reaches from his neck to his tail and is very deeply entrenched.
Also, the vet said that if we elected to, we could have surgery and they would remove the tumor and spleen but the recovery would be long and painful for him and should it be malignant, his time would be cut a lot shorter.  Considering his age and overall condition, we've decided, Julie, Melissa and I, that we will make him as comfortable as possible and allow him to live out what time he has... Believe it, we will spoil him too.
He has been such a wonderful friend and pet.  When people tell you that a dog or cat is just an animal, well to put it bluntly, they're full of shit.  Ralph is as much a family member as any of our children are regarding the love and care that we afford him.
We've had him a little over 11 years now and never ever was there a moment when any of us regretted having him.  We don't know when the time will come and can only hope as you would for a terminally ill relative, that he will pass in his sleep... I love you Ralphy.
That is all for today, I've lost my writing appetite for now.  Bless you all.

A "New Car" !!!! How sweet is that?

Cathy... congratulations on your new car... I know how you feel !  What a wonderful thing to have happen.  Makes your birthday even more special.  I didn't know what it looked like so I googled a picture of it... a Kia Rio and Orange too.

Don't let the kids and grand kids turn it into a pig sty.  You be proud of that car girl. !!!!  I am so very happy for you.

Unexplained feelings persist...

Thank God not in me, but in my friend Leann... It made me sad to read your post this morning.  I know the feeling you are experiencing, but then I've had days like that too... We could have gone together... had things worked out a shade different.  
I want you to know, Leann, I honor your choice, but that doesn't necessarily mean I agreed with your logic... it can be a tough pill to swallow.
It is a beautiful day here today, I am catching up on my laundry and enjoying my new computer immensely.   BTW Ralphy was better as of about 6:30 last night and his Dr. appt. is today so we will know more... His last checkup was very positive though.
I think I might ride down to Eugene this next weekend and spend some time with my ex-bro-in-law and his wife.  They are good people and have remained great ex-relatives.
Cathy, I hope you got the car you were looking at...
Omar says the teacher can't communicate very well... I wonder.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday was absent...

Sorry folks, Tuesday was a total wash as far as the blog goes... I had my best friend Ralphy here with me as I waited for the Fed-Ex truck to deliver my new iMac.  They came early afternoon and I spent the remainder of the day setting it up and moving the old one to the spare room.
I gotta say, this is the most stunning display I've ever used and the clarity of it is without equal.
I updated all software so now it is totally current and seems to be working flawlessly.  
Ralphy slept a lot yesterday and I think it's partially because of his age.  I noticed that his eyes are just a touch cloudy and Julie told me that he doesn't hear well at all anymore.  Neither do I though.  I suppose that as the body whether it be dog or human degrades over time... some things we can adjust for and others not so much so.
I went to the VA office in Albany today and will see about getting re-evaluated for my disability... The last time they saw me was 13 years ago and things have certainly gone downhill some since then.
Hi Leann !!!  I check your blog every day, nothing new right now though.
Cathy, I assume you are at work right now and that is good but seems to me that you were going to take a half day off?? was that today??  Hope you do something fun though.
Omar tendered his resignation today, I thought it was really funny as he wrote it in Arabic and he knows I cannot read that crap.  I signed him up for an english class.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, good to see

I'm sure you remember the song.. Mommas and Papas variety?  Turns out this is a beautiful day and nice and cool too.  Omar is pleased as the camels tend to like it when it's not real hot outside.
I had my usual coffee at McDonalds and from there went to the Senior center to take care of my meal deliveries.  I only had 11 clients today and my manager said that several had contracted pneumonia.  That is a nasty thing to get, specially when one is older.
From when I finished deliveries, I came home and computed my route's mileage and found that now it is 22 miles long.
I wrote a lovely letter to Peak internet today complimenting the service I've received from them over the years and highlighting the services of a lady that works in their billing department.  I recognize good service and totally believe in making it well known to the powers that be.
Leann, does that happen for you where you work??  I've oft wondered if your industry is under appreciated.  I know what you do and it ain't exactly a walk in the park.
Cathy, the same question applies in your case and I also know what you do and it can and often is pretty darn hard work... to both of you I say "Good Job".  
Those who don't appreciate what you do should take a moment and reflect upon where they would be without your services...  Omar blushes when I compliment him so I keep it to a minimum..
I am still waiting for Fed-Ex...  ...  ...  ... ...  Oh well :(

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A day with the Lord and Nascar...

Coffee at McDonalds then back home and made some hot chocolate and an English muffin for breakfast. Today is the ‘Brickyard’ and it starts at 11am. I am ready to see it and will enjoy it a lot especially if Dale Jr. should win and Kyle Busch catches something special like a DNF.
I hope you are all enjoying this day.  It's a little overcast and cooler here today and that is not too bad.
Cathy, how is you this fine day?? hope you are fine and having a good day.
Leann, I got 1 call from a lady that saw the ad you posted for me... thank you !!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I am sanguine about today...

A beautiful day, sunny and clear and not too warm.  I managed to hit some garage sales today and found nothing I couldn't live without.  It amazes me the things that people have collected over the years.
They have what is known as 'Art in the Park' locally and artists and crafts people proliferate the area displaying their wares in hopes of making sales and new friends.  Either is nice and it was enjoyable to see them and visit a bit.
Back home and watched some Nascar qualifying and now the top fuel boys are playing.
I am toying with the idea of firing up the harley and going for a ride.  Not sure just where, maybe out to the Waterloo park and see what is happening out there.
Well, I've beat the minions into submission and showed the end of the whip to Omar so things should be better around the tent now...
What do you think?? a new cartoon perhaps??? let me know.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Last Sentence says it all...

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals... I only have 11 clients today. Stopped at ‘shop and cart’ and got some crackers and cheese then home and made a grilled cheese for lunch. Instant Messaging with Lollie for just a couple of minutes and she is now fixing something to eat... Finally got my Form Pilot mileage templates in one place... they are in the documents folder. Just got off the phone with Apple, my iMac will ship today and leaves from Fremont, Ca. It does, of course , have a wireless card installed. I already had one call from a lady in Corvallis inquiring about the 20“ iMac. It would have to have been from the ad Leann posted. Went to Rhodes Warden and the insurance for the house is automatically paid. From there to Roths for Celery, cucumber, case of beer, some trail mix and a pepperoni stick. Downloaded some more free apps from the iTunes store... F#@%#’s are burning the fields again (first time I’ve noticed it since coming back...) God how I hate that.

Fickle Friday fairs well

Up and about at an early hour today.  Coffee occurred earlier than I wanted but enjoyable just the same.  
After coffee, I proceeded to do my 'Meals on Wheels' thing... only had 11 clients today so it went pretty quick.
It is beautiful outside and not nearly as hot as it has recently been... I am glad of that.
I've decided that today will be the last of the "First letter of each new paragraph" standard that I've used in the past.  I will be posting additions/blogs directly from my journal which will preclude me having to duplicate efforts.  May not be as creative, but it will save me some time.
If you don't like it, let me know but it won't do you any good *grin*.
The new posts will be listed by date and time unless I choose to put them by title as before.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday, just another one...

Leann, I just finished reading your most recent post... "Message in a  bottle", was the text that followed prior to emptying the bottle or more likely, after...
Not too much going on here in the tent... I did some laundry and dusted the whole place and cleaned up my bathroom.  Pretty nice now.
I went to Bi-mart and got a handle for my squeegie so doing the windows will be less of a stretch.
Not too much else going on though, I did have a sandwich at Quiznos.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pretty day, sunshine and clouds and nice temps...

Today is a nice day, I got up at a decent time, had coffee with the crew and then picked up my buddy Ralphy so he could visit the old homestead.
He is showing his age much more now... his face is greying a lot and he cannot walk the distances he used to.  One thing that hasn't changed though is the love that emulates from his eyes and the tail that still swings in greeting.  I fear his time is limited to a year or so and that saddens me.
We will enjoy today and I will take him back this afternoon.  I must make point of having him for visits more often now.
I ordered my new iMac yesterday and it will likely arrive this week...  Anyone wanting to buy my present iMac would certainly get a wonderful machine.  I am replacing it as I want to get into photo editing and manipulation and need the larger screen (24") for placing the photos.
Leann, pass the word to folks you know that might be interested in getting a really great Apple iMac (it's a fully loaded iMac).  I would let it go pretty reasonably...
Cathy, don't know what you are doing, but hope it makes ya feel good.
Gotta run now, I bought a little side seat telephone table and need to wax it up...
 Later minions...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A day of travel, a day of rest...

Well, actually not even a whole day of rest... I was up at 6:10 this morning to pick up my buddy Ralph for coffee as his car is broken for the moment.
Nothing on the Blog yesterday but that's fine with me.  
After I got back from coffee this morning, Omar came stumbling into the tent so I snuck up on him and smacked him in the head with a bag of camel dung... serves him right.  Problem is, the bag broke so ya know what I have all over the floor of the tent now.
Good thing is was dried.  Life goes on.
Welcome back to my world friends... we've missed ya.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

"Dark Knight"... Joker stole the show...

In the past, there's been much better actors play the part of 'Bruce Wayne' and for that matter 'Robin', but rarely if ever in the past did anyone ever play a better "Joker".  
Heath Ledger will forever be remembered as "The Joker".  Sterling performance and show stopper would be mild accolades for role he played.  Sadly, the world will never again benefit from his abilities as an actor of magnanimous proportions.
We had intended to go to the 8pm showing, but upon arrival at the theater complex, we found the lobby to be similiar to a successful tuna fishing boats hold... packed to the gills.
Rather than wait, we exchanged tickets for the later show at 9:50pm and decided to catch dinner at a Japanese restaurant within the same mall area.  The food was good and the service excellent so that provided full tummies for a relaxing and explosive 2.5 hours of video overload.
Today, we will I believe, go to church and after that probably a brunch of some sort.  Upon returning to their home, I shall proceed to do laundry and get things gathered for the trek home.  It will indeed be good to be back in the tent.
Today is Gareth's birthday so Lollie bought him a hands free Motorola T505 unit for the Lexus.  It works great.  This evening, she took he and I to an nice Italian restaurant where we all ate too much and feel like a slaughter fattened pig waiting for the axe.
Tomorrow I come back home to Lebanon... it's time.
Later, you purveyors of written drivel... enjoy the day.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mission accomplished... smiles all around abound.

Yesterday, a great day...  We went to some mall, someplace here in or around Sacramento and stopped at the "Apple Store".  Gareth finally purchased an Airport Express base station router.  
We shopped other stores too (rather my Sis did) and got Gareth some t-shirts and me one too.  Stopped at Carls Jr. and got some fries... Ya know somethin??, thems some darn good fries too.
After finally leaving that mall, we returned to Folsom area and stopped at a favorite restaurant of ours named "BJ's".  It is a family style sports bar with one helluva clientele.  It is never empty and the menu items are always great.
I was going to have soup and salad (unlimited soup), but L and G convinced me to try the 'Pot Roast'.  I admit, it was good, but thank God I didn't have my calorie counter handy.  We topped it off with a house specialty dessert that literally redefined the word 'scrumptious'.  I bought dinner as a parting shot before I return home.  It was a great time for all.
After getting back home, I installed the Airport Express with the sole intent of moving the printer off the kitchen desk and into the Den so as to put it out of site.  The Airport Express allows you to remotely and wirelessly print so now that has been accomplished.
Leann, seems awfully quiet in your corner of the world... what's up gal???
Cathy... Kudos to you for your wonderful accomplishments and the ability to stay on task.  You are becoming a new person both inside and out and that is going to make your life so very wonderful.  I am so very proud of what you are doing.  It is always a great thing to see friends accomplish goals and better themselves.
Well, the Wongs have yet to grace the day with their appearance so I am enjoying the quiet time to keep you abreast of my day.
Omar, this is faire warning friend, get the tent in order for the master of your universe is soon to make his appearance and it would bade you well to have things in order...
The Quill is now splayed, the text will no longer flow... off to the "Feather merchant" to get another quill...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ever had one of those...

Days when ya really don't care if anything particular gets done???  Yesterday was a qualifier for me...
We spent a few hours at a spa that had a great pool.  We all swam and had a great time enjoying the sunshine and warmth.
Afterwords, we caught dinner at a fresh mex place called Chilpolte's.  We've eaten there before and it is very good (prices have risen though).
Then we got back to Sis's place and got ready to go to some friends for dessert.  Finally got back home after 12:30am.  Long day.
I rose a little later this morning, it was about 9am.  Showered and dressed, made coffee and sat on the front entry porch reading the Sacramento Bee, the local rag.  As seems to be the norm, there were no uplifting stories to be found with the exception of an article about the Toyota Prius and the astounding mileage they provide... figures it wouldn't come from within the good old USA.
Well parting phrases are always awkward so in closing.... don't let your meat loaf.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nada, zippo, freakin Zero...

What can be said??  today was Wednesday.. nothing special and nothing worth writing home about either... bummer!
Later Dudes and Dudettes..

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Slip sliden away...

It's been pretty darn good so far, but like all good things, this vacation is coming to an end as we see the plate at the end of the candle... no longer do I see the wick, the wax has filled the plate and the bottom is evident now.
I have had a great time here, and accomplished most of the 'to-do' list the my Sister had compiled for me.  I chose not to attempt the grape arbor she wanted, not enough time, tools or ideas to complete it.  Better for a good old handy andy type of guy who lives locally.
This morning, I was up early and went outside to sit on the entry steps that lead to a perfectly manicured front lawn.  The breeze was so refreshing and nice, the temperature was about 70˚, perfect in my mind.  The sky is beautifully filled with the most soul enlightening blue you've ever seen.  I truly could not ask for a more beautiful morning.
I feel sorry for my Sis and Gareth as they always sleep in way late and miss this beautiful time of the day.  I keep trying to get them to re-arrange their schedule so that the morning can greet them but alas, that ain't happenin.
Sean called, finally, and I informed him of the situation regarding Nick and hopefully he will be able to get some straight answers from their Mom.  Life is always exciting.
Cathy, you know Nick and nothing has changed much, just more of the same.
Leann, remain in the dark, it's safer there.  Besides that my friend, that is where the mushrooms grow best.
Got all my bills paid so I really am content today.  I hope your day is great and you constantly find reasons to smile... even a giggle would be nice.
Later on friends, Omar sends greetings along with a list of demands... dammit!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fantasy Land returns... WWE Tonight !!

Blindingly Blue... that is how I would describe the sky outside this morning here in El Dorado Hills.  I've not seen a cloud since I've been here which is good and seemingly strange at the same time.  It feels very warm already and it's only 10am.

We are supposed to go swimming today, the time of day yet to be determined as the Wongs have failed to make an appearance yet.  Their days are slow to start and linger on for what seems like forever.

Cathy... are you there???  Nothing from you for awhile.. you doing OK??  I hope so.

Leann, you make me smile.

Anyway, the morning presses on so I will attend to things and let you get on about your day... Later my friends.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Lord doth provide and patience abides...

Rose early this morning to a most beautiful blue sky and temperatures that will tease the triple digit mark once again.
God, how I thank you for all you provide to us, your humble children... It never fails to amaze me how much I have and how little I need.  He has provided me with all things and protects me from all evils... well, a little sunscreen helps too.
We will soon be off to church and from there probably a brunch of sorts and then I am not sure what the day will offer.
My sincere apologies to Omar, left alone in the stable with the stinky camel droppings and no one to complain to... Fear not friend, I will return eventually.  
Thus far, the villagers being unable to pin down my exact location, have made no phone calls advising that the tent has mysteriously caught fire and burned to the ground so at least I have an abode to which I can return... probably dusty though as Omar tends to leave the flap up on occasions.
I leave you with the thought that my God shall look after you and provide you with all you ever need... the secret, my friends, is "Faith".  'To he who believes, all things are possible'.  Good words to live by me thinks.
Fear not Ladies, I shall return in all my splendor to once again sweep you off your feet in my typical un-dashing manner.
Oh ya, Cathy... ya might think about changing your cell phone settings so that text message arrivals don't make a sound... maybe you won't get scared out of a good sleep that way... check it out my dear friend.
More from the demented cauldron of my mind shall follow later...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cartoon Network saves the day..

Thank God for cartoons and mundane Saturday mornings...  I want to be home but must stay for a bit longer.
Temp is supposed to be mid nineties here today and I see that back home it's already 95˚.
We will be having ribeye's for dinner tonight and Gareth made up the marianade sauce and it tasted really good thanks to an ample serving of Jack Daniels...
More a bit later...

Yesterday was a total was Friday

Sorry folks, the quill was sharp, but no ink yesterday... just think happy thoughts about me and what I was doing and all will be fine...  Hot, but not nearly as bad as Wednesday was...
Friday was a day of great anticipation for me what with the new '3G phone' by Apple being released and the new '2.0' software... couldn't get either one so decided to wait for a couple days till the hoopola dies down some... plus Apple had some iTunes server problems that created headaches for many.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Apples vs Oranges and computers in general...

I've been on the phone to Apple for the past two days trying to get my sister's computer working correctly again... I would not say she screwed it up, but the possibility looms out there.
The 'Tech" I am working with is named Brad and he is really nice to work with but even the Devil has his limits.  We've not gotten it fixed yet, but progress is in the makin...
Damn it's hot !!!
Before I sign off for the day, I highly recommend "Hancock" to any of you movie buffs... it is a feel good movie with some terrific one liners.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Ink... old news... good friends

Well, I've been to the well and reloaded the quill so henceforth the ink shall flow in abundance.
We had the good fortune to have friends in the Bay area, Ed and Bonnie, to spend the time with.  They are the most accommodating hosts and the most wonderful people to share time with.  I truly feel blessed to have them consider me a friend.  Lollie and Gareth have known them for years and nurtured their relationship with them to the point of becoming family-like in status.  
While there, I got to meet Bonnie's grand daughter 'Bellina' who proved to be an active and enchanting 5 year old.  Her mother is nice and quite well educated and a good mother.
It is sure good to be back here in EDH at my Sis's place.  Temperature today is supposed to hit 113˚ and stay damn hot till Saturday.  Good weather for lizards and rocks and such but not too great for humans.
The weather in the Bay area was not too bad but had started to heat up a lot to closer it came to time for us to return to the Sacto area.
4th of July was good, we got to hear the San Francisco Symphony play for a couple hours before the fireworks began and they also did the accompaniment to the actual fireworks display.  It was grand to hear and see  "Lauren Bacal" did a live reading to a tribute to Abraham Lincoln.  She still sound good in her '80s.
Don't believe we will venture far from the AC for the remainder of the week... It would surely be like living in Hell without it this week.
later gator...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

To the Bay, that is where we go to celebrate the 4th.

Well, baring complications, we will be off for the S.F. bay area in about 2 hours.  Should be a nice trip over and an enjoyable weekend too.
The weather here, in EDH (El Dorado Hills) is nice, sunny and expected to hit 94˚ today.  Need I say that it will not, and I repeat NOT be in my comfort zone.
Not to worry though, Ed and Bonnie have AC so comfort will be available and the Lexus has AC also so the trip over and back will be good too.
I miss my morning coffee at McDonald's and my friends who gather there.  Mostly, I miss my email contacts which I forgot to bring with me... Take note Leann and Cathy.  I've not forgotten you two lovely roses.
The ink will flow again once I return here to EDH... in the mean time, please behave yourselves and don't indulge in unsavory activities (seein's how I can't join in...)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"Results"... lost both, by 1 point

Brother, what a difference from the last time I watched them play.  The team they lost to is rated I believe #1 and to miss beating them by 1 point was amazing.
I didn't participate in the actual game, being a spectator was my job and keeping my comments to myself was all encompassing too.
Everyone on "our" team were really nice, the other team seemed to be much more focused on the Winning aspect rather than the 'lets have some fun' aspect... I don't like it when that happens.
Beautiful day here, and it appears that it will stay that way.  We will be leaving on Thursday for the 'Bay area' and will be there about 5 days it appears.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Boccelism" a variant of the unsame

Well now, was that not a mouthful of gibberish or what???  Anyway, Bocce is a game that is very popular both in Italy and the U.S.
I and my family were introduced to it and played a lawn grass version when I was stationed in Virginia.  We didn't understand the rules of the game so made up our own which bore no resemblance to the actual game.  It was fun though and a great way to gather.
Last year, while here in Sacto, I was introduced to actual Bocce courts and the finer points of the game.  It is, in a word, a gentle game of skill both in aim and release.  
This afternoon, Lollie and Gareth's team have a match that I will attend.  I know at least two of the players not including my Sister and her husband.  I will be a spectator only.