I awoke this morning and thought my, I forgot to set the clocks ahead, then decided that it was something that could likely wait for a bit.
I dressed and headed down to Coffee at McDonalds. The usual suspect minus a few showed up. I was however blessed to see David Schmidt who is, along with his wife, leaving at noon today to move to either Vermont or Maryland, I forget which... it is where she lives in any case.
Back home now, and according to the new time standard, it is about a quarter of 10.
I suppose an update would be approrpiate, the coffee date with a new friend went well, she seems nice, is a buddhist and lives on about 4.5 acres just off hwy 34. She owns a trailer which she resides in and shares some space for her daughter and son-in-law for their trailer.
She seems well grounded and appears to be a hard working woman who would love to retire but has found it to be not in the cards at this playing of life's hand. We agreed to continue the friendship... God, in his mighty wisdom, will dictate the direction it will take. I am just along for the ride.
Leann, my thoughts are with you, I know the choices you face will not be easy, but also I know you are up to the challenge.
You were so close last night, after all Kelly isn't that far from me. Perhaps next time you are that close you could stop in. I look forward to seeing you.