Quiet evening, had fun playing with the baby and the rain... my gosh, you wouldn't believe the quantity of rain we've had... never ending, only changing in it's intensity... Monsoon storms... but this is the equator and as such, we are subject to that weather pattern. Everything, roads, fields, yards are flooded with a running river of brown water... An experience that viewed from the relative safety of a cement home on a raised foundation is enjoyable... can't go outside, well I suppose you could but the question nags me... why !!
We slept as though in a coma last night, the constant rain and the sound of it hitting the roof was immensly soothing even though we slept on a narrow slab of a bed with a well worn 4" foam pad...
We went to bed about 8pm, I don't know why, probably because there was little else to do.. Nora tells me we went to sleep about 10 after chatting and her having a chance to tell me that my looking at other girls really bothers her. A side of her newly revealed and a lesson learned... stealth mode !!! one must not be quite so obvious in the observance of the plentiful Pinay beauty that abounds here in this land of water. But I will quit, only because it bothers her and she is insulted by it. Perhaps my admiration of the beauty is not something she appreciates outside of her own aura. Anyway suffice it to say a lesson learned.
We have no plans to leave the house today, it is not a reasonable thing to be out in this type of weather unless one has no choice in the matter. There seems an abundance of pirated DVD's here that we can watch so that is probably going to be the routine we follow today. Kenneth is preparing an egg sandwich for me for breakfast as I have already had my breakfast coffee.
I had Joyce do the dishes yesterday afternoon, those were from the morning meal and then had Angel, Lalaine's oldest daughter do the dishes after the evening meal... I see no reason for Nora to do dishes while we are here considering all the available youth that can step up and take care of those chores. It teaches them responsibility along with the valuable lesson of knowing that there is no such thing as a free ride or free lunch... we all have to contribute to the existance of the whole...
Later I will add, if more happens... now I will watch the movie...
The movie was a horror film and not too bad, sort of a knock off of the 'Saw' series... plenty of spooky scenes though.
We had lunch, rice and fish and some au dente vegetables which were pretty good. Now the family is watching a daily series of the Filipino variety which I cannot understand, but which cements my theory that the Filipino TV industry is way behind us in the ability to produce quality TV shows.
It has continued to rain on and off and the ground has long since reached 100% saturation so surface water is everywhere... it will only get worse if it continues to rain which it will...
I just wrote a long letter to Nick, he had sent me a message yesterday wishing good luck and happiness so I felt compelled to return the favor as I haven't heard from him for a long time... that typically means that his life is more or less in order and that he is happy. It is always my wish that he be in that condition.
From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)