Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cool and cloudy is just fine...

Got off to a rather late start this morning, didn’t leave the house until about 7:40 then Coffee at McDonalds and there I let time get away from me too... looked up and it was 25 after 9 so I had to scurry to the Senior center to get ready to deliver the meals. Back home, cleaned up the dishes from dinner last night and still had lingering memories of how good the steak was. Stopped in at Kellenburgers to see about the price of a couple of oven racks, but Brian wasn’t there. The lady took my name and number and he will call... maybe.
It is chilly outside this morning, much different than the proposed weather forecast.  It is clouded over and a little breezy but acceptable for this time of year.  I personally would rather it be cooler than warmer.
Leann, I hope your trip to Central Oregon came off without a hitch... nice to go over there once in awhile..  I assume you have either family or friends there??
Good morning Cathy...
Omar is scrubbing the tent floor... seems he had some sort of little 'accident' last night.  There is a compelling odor or 'Frebreeze' in the air, me thinks to cover something less pleasant.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A fresh beginning and yet another adventure... the past beckons.

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals. Looks to be a good day today although it is on the humid side... Stopped at the American Legion to see if they had arm pads or tips for the crutches and they don’t. Stopped at Pay n Pak and got some cheese and 3 loaves of bread... this time I got the cracked wheat instead of the whole wheat. Also got the good Tillamook cheese, the stuff in the black wrapper... expensive but very good. The foot was terrible during the night, but after Coffee at McDonalds it seemed much better and I didn’t have much discomfort whilst delivering the meals either. On the way to the Senior center, I stopped in at the post office and mailed the letter... it will be interesting to see if I get a reply. 40 years is a long time. Talk about a gloomy picture... the market takes a little more than just a stumble as depicted by the screenshot I've included below... The House and Congress better do something or War won't be just on foreign soil...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I approach Sunday with a Sanguine attitude... do you???

Coffee at McDonalds and now back home. While at McDonald's a couple came in driving one of the Mini Coopers. I got to sit in it and look it over and am more convinced that I want one... I will pursue that a little later. Home now of course and changed out the water jug and noticed that the one that was empty had the beginnings of algae forming on the inside top. I put in a tablespoon of bleach and a quart of water and rinsed it out really well which eliminated the algae. It was foggy this morning, but the sky is clearing nicely and it will likely be a really nice day. My ankle is tender today, not crippling as it was before, but it is letting it’s presence be known. I suppose mowing the yards didn’t do it any good.
Today the 'Chasers' will be racing at Kansas raceway.  Jimmy Johnson got the pole position, I believe that Jr. is starting in 8th position.  I sure hope he has a good run and with luck, a win.
As much as I hope for Dale Jr. to win a race, it seems that it just isn't meant to be... Tony Eury Jr. or Dale Jr. one or the other is not a good fit and I can't figure out which.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Pretty day today, started cool though...

Coffee at McDonalds then to Appletrees for a half order of biscuits and gravy... portions were terribly small. Back home and watched the debate... I thought Obama beat McCain. Got my laundry done and that is a good thing. I am considering vacuuming and perhaps dusting... It just cleared up at 11am this morning, until then it was overcast and foggy. I hope the remainder of the weekend is nice.
This afternoon, I decided I'd better mow the lawns as I don't trust the weather here.  They look better now.
Thought you all might enjoy a little 'Mountain Lake' picture to remind you of what a beautiful land we live in.  Who but God could provide such beauty??? and who but Man could consistently ruin it???  We need to preserve the natural beauty so that our descendants can enjoy it too.
Omar liked the picture and asked when we could go there... I thought to myself what a perfect opportunity... snicker (I really wouldn't do that though...) or would I??

Friday, September 26, 2008

The end of the week... any plans???

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals. 16 clients today and one no show... Stopped at Taco Bell and had 3 hardshell tacos for lunch. Foggy this morning and the temperature is on the nippy side but warmer weather is predicted for the weekend.
After lunch, I came back to the tent and Lo and behold, there, in the middle of the floor sits Omar... anybody know what a 'scimitar' is??  Well for those who don't, it is a small sword that gets bigger on the pointy end.. anyway, there he sits with this scimitar across his thighs and he is humming a weird little tune.
I says to  him 'Omar', what's the purpose of the big knife.  He tells me that he has it for 'self defense'...  I proceed to query him on who he feels he needs defended from... He pointed to the top of the tent and says 'Voices'...
Go figure.  

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A reprieve for the foot??? I hope so...

Slept in this morning till 7:30 then off to Coffee at McDonalds. Foot feels amazingly better this morning. It was a little tender upon first getting up but now I am walking on it and actually able to put weight on it without grimacing. Back home now, I felt a little tickle in my nose whilst at coffee so will take some vitamin C after a bit as a precautionary measure. hot chocolate and toast is the order of the day... More later.
Omar and I seem to have this 'Love/Hate' relationship going on and I don't know how to convince him that I don't hate him... he seems to be trying to push issues now that he realizes I am not quite so quick with the bum leg going on.
I've decided that I am going to start cleaning my guns, especially when I know he is watching.. seems he knows nothing about the theory of ballistics and that some sticks can emit fire and cause great discomfort...
Funny that he acts like that though.  I should have him examined.
Worry not friends, I shall keep a wary eye upon him...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ankle pain still persistent...

Coffee at McDonalds. The ankle doesn’t feel much better so I am hobbling around still. Stopped on the way home at Roths and got a gallon of milk. Back here now and having a cup of hot chocolate. I took out a loaf of bread and a loaf of Zucchini bread from the freezer. It is a pretty day outside, a little brisk of course, but pretty non the less.
Omar has been absent the last few days, he noticed me hopping around on one foot and has been pretty scarce since that time.  Maybe he thinks I would press him into service to help me out??  Hard to explain why he's been absent but things have been pretty quiet without him.
I did return his prayer rug, upon closer examination, I realized that it wasn't actually a rug at all, but in reality was one of my missing place mats.  I didn't recognize it at first cause it was pretty grimy...  How does one get grimy while praying???  Odd.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The 'Hurtin heel' continues to plague me...

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals, I had to have someone ride with me to actually take the meals to the clients door. Crutches were the order of the day. My appt. with Dr. Thayer is at 2pm today. I hope he can diagnose what is going on with my Achilles tendon and heel. Beautiful day outside, the weather, on the other hand, is somewhat chilly. Winter is not too far in the distance.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday came and so did my sore foot and my new Comcast cable modem... Yea!!!

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals... my foot hurts today. Called Dr. Thayer’s office and set an appt for tomorrow at 2pm to have him check this foot out. I decided to try a Comcast cable modem as Peak said that I can suspend service with them and retain the ability to return should I not like Comcast cable service. I am currently on the phone with a Comcast tech, setting up the cable modem. Got it up and running now, but my router is out of the loop for the time being. Instant Messaging with Lollie now, sent her Stuffit so she can open stuffed files. Been emailing with Randall Gordon for a bit right now. There is no doubt that the cable modem is a lot faster... should have done this a long time ago.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

God's day... raining, wet and holy.

Well, Saturday was a fair day, it started out normally with the usual coffee at McDonalds and then Del offered to take me to breakfast so off to AppleTrees we went.  It was a good time.
The rest of the day was basically spent nursing my right foot and watching a lot of TV... a waste of my time to be sure.  Sorry folks there is no Saturday post from me.
I can’t believe it... up at 5am. Last night was a terrible night as far as getting good rest goes... dreams and toss and turn all night long. 5:30 and I decided I might as well head down to McDonald's and get some coffee. At McDonald's there are two distinct groups that come to coffee, those who arrive at 5am and then those of us who appear around 6am or after. I was able to see both of them for a change... rarely do I rise before 6 or 6:30. This morning was definitely different. I can’t even blame Omar for it. It’s raining now and has been since I got up. I don’t know how long it is supposed to last, but it is welcome for now...

Friday, September 19, 2008

The end of the week is here...

Up a little later, right heel is killing me now. Damn the luck. I had to get up at about 4am and turn off the water in the front yard.. the timer has gone south so will manually water for now. Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals, this ought to be a fun thing, having to hobble now, I put the crutches in the back of the PU just in case I needed them. Managed to get them all delivered but it wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had. I wonder what is going on with the heel?? Achilles tendon seems to be the localized area of pain, where it attaches to the heelbone. I noticed a ‘For Sale’ sign on Julies house... of course no news from Melissa about that or from Julie for that matter. Like mother like daughter I guess. Back home now and having some chicken noodle soup for lunch.
Omar was up before me this morning and I found his prayer rug lying in the dusty corner of the tent... I went to ask him where he found it and he told me that this one was the backup plan... wonder how many he has and where he stashes them???

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cloudy and Cooler Thursday...

Coffee at McDonalds then back home. Cleaned up the dishes and made some Oatmeal for breakfast... I then made some hot chocolate. On the computer, I designed a business card (I have the software) that lists all my medications and the fact that I have no known allergies. I thought carrying a card like that in my wallet could some day prove handy... either for me or a paramedic. Today the weather is much cooler and the skies are overcast. There is a storm lurking off the coast that they expect to make it’s way to the valley by this weekend... my yard could use the rain. Nothing especially exciting is planned today, although, I do think I will dust and perhaps vacuum. Laundry will wait till tomorrow though. I have a tray of grapes in the freezer to bag yet and then I will be done with them for awhile... I hope they go on sale pretty soon so I can do even more of them... they make for a nice treat.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cool and quiet... Wednesday sneaks in.

Coffee at McDonalds a shade later this morning, after which, I stopped at Julie’s to get Ralph. Talked to her a bit and evidently the job at Wal★mart is part time so she will still be subbing. Back home now, made some hot chocolate and gave Ralphy one of the bones I got for him and he doesn’t seem all that interested in it, at least for now. I examined his teeth, he has some that have developed a grayish color and that tends to make me believe that they are likely dying or decayed... He is, after all, quite elderly so it’s not too surprising... His eyes are still bright and his personality is still very pleasant. As will all who age, he isn’t quite as peppy as he was a few years ago.
I must tell you, the purveyors of this blog that I had a revelation today... in a conversation with Omar, I was referred to as an 'Infidel' by him.  I took a moment and looked up the meaning of 'Infidel' and found the following definition: 
1. Offensive. An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam. 2. One who has no religious beliefs. 3. One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle.
I then asked Omar which one he thought I qualified as.  He was deep in thought for several moments then looked at me and shook his finger and said: "You cannot be whom you seek as qualities do not exist in you to permit it."  
I shook my head and chuckled a bit at that comment.  My response to him was "So being a practicing Christian doesn't exempt me from this 'Infidel' label"???.  Blank stare, glazed eyes and Islamic mumbling followed.  
I decided to hide his prayer rug... we will see where that leads, being an 'Infidel', gives me great latitude in making his life miserable.  The saga continues.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

May be my "Lucky Number Day" at Bi-Mart...

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals. After that I stopped and put some money in the bank. Back home now and made some hot chocolate. It feels warm today already, perhaps a tad of humidity in the air. Leann is camping, hope they are having a good time. The remainder of the day provided little to post about, I did watch some shows that I had taped... the evening proved quiet and uneventful and I went to bed about 9:30. Tomorrow may offer more, but I know not yet... Omar is mysteriously quiet this evening, curled in a ball in the corner, almost in a fetal position.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Overcast somewhat and blazingly hot

Up about 6:25 and anxious to see how the weight loss is coming... jumped (stepped) on the scales and lookie here... 234.5 Lost 15lbs. I then decided to have Coffee at McDonalds. At about 8:30 I decided it was time to head over to the Senior Center and prepare for the Meals deliveries... I have 16 clients today. It is supposed to be really hot today, projected to hit 98˚. Too hot for me, that is for sure. Called Julie and told her I would like to get Ralphy on Wednesday and that she should call if there is any problem. Instant Messaging with Lollie for a bit, she, unfortunately, stayed the same weight at 162 but it is so hard for her to cut back on the great food she and Gareth like so much. He couldn’t buy a pound from a butcher shop... lucky I suppose. Nothing special planned for today, Monday night Raw will be on tonight and I will of course watch that. I might dust the bedroom and perhaps vacuum but not even sure about that.
Omar was in good spirits today, he told me that Achmed has left the country as he missed the camps.  I told Omar that was probably for the best.  Omar said that perhaps he could bring over another friend and I encouraged him to rethink that.  We will see where that leads.
The day is young my friends, go forth and enjoy.
A late update:  I took a little nap this afternoon, I suppose that is the result of having some food in my belly. Sorta like a Mexican siesta me thinks.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

1st and 9 to go...Almost...not quite but almost.

Coffee at McDonalds then home and having some hot chocolate. The first race of the ‘Chase for the Championship’ starts today. I hope the Dale Jr. can do well. He seems to be of the right attitude and certainly it is his time. Nothing too new around here, I may mow the yard this afternoon, once the sun has had a chance to dry off the dew. Answered an email from someone on CL just now... it is amazing what people write from time to time. I truly feel it is an adventure everytime I log on to that place... not always a good one though. Well it was a good race and I don’t mind that Greg Biffle won... Jr. could have won it ‘cept for a set of bad tires... You just never know.
The Carp disappeared over night and I found the remainder of Omar's covert activities in the garbage can including the hens and the rooster.  I asked him how he managed to get the hens and the rooster and he muttered something about a farmer and a shotgun and that rock salt stings.
You really never know what is going on in his mind... I suppose, or at least I hope that he ate the Carp... (Yuck !!!!!).  He looked pretty ragged so I held his head in the toilet and flushed it 3 times... his eyes are a tad bloodshot but his hair is clean now.
Enjoy the day my friends...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Strange Saturday discoveries.

Coffee at McDonalds then to the Saturday market... nothing there, but some really good looking produce. Updated the blog for yesterday and haven’t even given too much thought to what will perhaps titillate the enquiring minds of todays readers. Omar is back now. I know this because I found 3 carp, a rooster, three hens, 2 broken bowling balls, 5’ of string, a thimble, two baseball cards, the front bumper off a Isetta scooter, 6 marbles and muddy tracks. I am not sure where he is, just that he is back. More to follow (I’m afraid).

Shell shocked ears... not a pleasant thing.

Coffee at McDonalds then delivered meals. I will stop at LinnCo before going to the movie this afternoon. Washed the PU and repotted my plant... hope she does well. Tony said to keep it till October. I will and will get some of that ‘Tiger Plus’ fertilizer too maybe. Trekked to the theater  to watch ‘Tropic Thunder’. I honestly have never ever been in a theater with a movie playing this loud... painful to my ears and I complained to the theater people after the movie.
Back home and my ears are still ringing... I cannot believe it. If Peak get any slower I am going to switch to Comcast... I cannot believe how freaking slow it has been lately. All in all, it was a good day, nothing exciting but still a good day.
Finally got the iPhone update downloade 231 meg. and installed. Watching some Smackdown now then off to bed.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday...mundane to say the least

Up later again then Coffee at McDonalds. Back home by about 9:30. Cleaned up the kitchen a little, vacuum packed the cereals and cleaned the containers. Set an alarm for 12:45. I just posted a patriotic post on CL RnR. It will be interesting to see the comments that are generated. Soon I will leave for Albany. I got to the Vets office about 10 minutes late thanks to the train on Queen ave. I won’t make the mistake of going that way again. After the appt. I went to Costco and got 4 cases of water, some anti-acid pills and a bag of avocados for Cecil... I gave Margaret the bag of avocados, she wanted to pay, but I told her no, I didn’t want any money for them. Cecil isn’t feeling good today... seems to happen a lot more frequently these days...
For those of you wondering about Omar's latest adventure involving chickens and bowling balls, I have no clue.  No news is good news says me.  I will inform you as soon as I either hear from him or hear about him...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesdays can be wonderful with the right person...

Coffee at McDonalds then went over to Albany and parked in the mall lot in front of Target. I was there about a hour and a half early, but had some reading I wanted to do so that was good. I decided to to into Target and look around for a bit, ended up buying a 1qt saucepan with metal rimmed glass top. Nice heavy pan and I didn’t have a 1 qt at home. It was normally $29.95 and I got it for $20.95 so that was a good deal I thought. Melissa got there right on the dot at 10:30 and we took off for the Willamette Valley Winery near Salem. We had a wonderful lady server by the name of Erica who spends 6 months out here in Oregon and the rest of the time in South Carolina. We were able to have 6 tastings of wine (all they can legally give us). We both decided to buy a bottle of the wine named “Oregon Blossum” which happens to be a light and slightly sweet wine that tickles your tastebuds and leaves a happy feeling in your mouth... Not a bad purchase for $10. We thought that it might be nice if we met up there maybe 4 times a year to share a bottle of wine and a picnic lunch together... I find that idea appealing. After we left there, we ended back up at the Mall parking lot and I dropped her off at her car. She informed me that she is now seeing a young man by the name of Ermine... says he is very smart and a Political Science major (God forbid) and avidly involved in the theatre which is good considering it is her first and most pressing love. We hugged and loved and said see ya and I came on back home.
After discovering the odor in the cupboard yesterday, I decided to check into it further.  Moving various sundry items around, I discovered what appeared to be a half eaten mellon of some kinds and 3 pieces of partially chewed licorice.
The other thing, and I didn't see this until this morning, was a note, scribbled, from Omar that informed me that his plan for the day was to go Chicken fishing with a bowling ball... don't ask ...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I missed getting the Garmin GPS by one number...

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals. 15 again today and all were home. Stopped at Bi-Mart and my number missed by one... Stopped at the dollar store and got 4 bags of atomic balls... Nothing special today, the weather is nice and the temperature moderate but is likely to get warmer this afternoon.
Something smells in the cupboard, yep, the one Omar ducked into yesterday morning... perhaps an exterminator is in order?

Monday, September 8, 2008

First day of the week...not for the meek

Up a shade later this morning then Coffee at McDonalds. Off to deliver my meals, I had 15 clients today and one of them was a no show. Came home and made a divider for the cooler. My friend called and cannot decide now (of all times) what size sink he wants.. last time I talked to him this was all done. Worse than some women I know. Read Leann’s blog and went to the Stormieweather blog and commented... don’t know the lady, but when we need support, it oft matters not from whence it comes.
Omar was up early this morning, before me.  I probably would have slept longer, but he was sitting in the middle of the tent banging on an old sauce pan with a wooden meat tenderizer.  
Stumbling from my boudoir, I took a running leap at him and he managed to duck at the last moment foiling my effort to land a field goal with his ugly little head.  He managed to duck into a cupboard before I could get hold of him.  His day is coming, that little bugger.  
I am seriously thinking about volunteering him for the Peace Corp...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Sunday of sundry events...

It is 7am and now Coffee at McDonalds. After that, to Roths for some cottage cheese and a gallon of milk. Watched the race and Dale Jr. finished 4th behind the winner Jimmy Johnson. Good race and I thought that he had a winning car but I guess it wasn’t to be. Today is a nice day weather wise but I really don’t have much that I need or for that matter even want to do today. Cathy, you are right, it was Jimmy’s day again... sure seemed like Jr. had the car to beat but in the end it just wasn’t to be. Leann, you’ve been noticeably absent lately... is your shoulder bothering you or are you hiding?? I think I will go sit on the lawn in a nice chase lounge and read the Roths ads for awhile as the fresh air would feel good. Later my friends...
I was setting and enjoying life and Ralphy calls and needs help to replace a serpentine belt on Rhea’s Chevy Prizm... They have the belt, but the diagram is either wrong or the belt too short. I went over and after about 10 minutes, decided we needed to check with AutoZone and see if they gave us a belt for a Prizm without AC. The parts guy checked and we had the only belt offered, but we found out that the store manager had given Ralphy the wrong diagram... after looking at the computer picture of the pulley arrangement, we printed out the correct one and went back to the car... With the correct information you can generally fix just about anything... the belt was installed in less than 5 minutes... That goes to show you that positional authority doesn’t necessarily equate to intelligence... case in point... Home again now and having a Corona... anyone out there want one??

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A dreary Saturday for the moment...

Coffee at McDonalds then down to the Saturday market which proved to be a rather large waste of my time. I got $60 out of the bank just in case. Back home now, sprayed down the shower with bleach and sprayed the curtain on the garage floor before I will wash it. I have a load going now in the washer. Today is starting out overcast and on the cooler side. I don’t believe that there is any inclement weather predicted, but it will take a bit for this overcast to burn off. Lots of garage sales signs around town so maybe I will hit some of them later. I’ve not talked to the girls this morning or even last night... decided to take the evening off and watch SmackDown. Nick called and he and a friend have found a nice house to rent so that will get him out of his mom’s place. He also informed me that he is once again unemployed. He says it is a pre winter drawdown but as with most of Nick’s stories, it always favors him. I don’t know what I will do for most of the day, I might do some more pressure washing or perhaps I won’t. Nice thing is that I can make what ever choice I want. Omar is back now, I saw his little slipper tracks leading to his sleeping area so I must assume that he is still asleep. Might be a good chance to sneak up on him... or not. I will add to this blog as the day unfolds. Take care and remember, I am thinking of you.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Foxy Friday and finally a clean house...(outside that is)

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals... 15 clients today. Back home and decided to remount my mailbox as it was wobbly. Then, I decided I needed to replace the cord on my circular saw so I will do that after updating this information. Got and email from Ralphy, he said he picked up a roll of Andy jackson dollars so I will soon make the trip for mine. Del dropped by for a visit this afternoon, I was in the middle of putting my saw back together, I decided rather than to replace the cord, I would just shorten it up like the new ones are. Now it has about an 10“ cord on it and I don’t have to wind it up anymore... Seems I always had to get an extension cord anyway so why not have it short?? After Del left, I decided that I would pressure wash the front and the side of the garage and the front of the house too. It does look better and I really pissed off a bunch of spiders. Oh well, Omar will find them... He seems to think that they are some kind of fertility food, I told him Oysters work better but he thinks the spiders work so there ya go. I may go to Sum Yan for some chinese food tonight, I’ve not decided for sure, but it is a chance to watch the folks go and come out from Rite Aid... Jezzzzz what an exciting life I have.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thursday, my Auto repair day...Helping friends helps me...

Coffee at McDonalds a little earlier than normal. From there, Ralph followed me home where I pulled off the alternator from his Buick and also repositioned the cover of the air filter which was askew. Went down to Napa to see Ben and get another alternator but he hadn’t came in yet so we browsed a little then he finally got there. The new alternator cost Ralph $0 so he was pretty pleased about that. Back home, I reinstalled the new alternator and the job was finished. Today looks quite nice, I just washed the stainless steel measuring tumblers and the 4 bowls I bought yesterday at Wal★mart. I have no particular plans today except for mowing the front yard after the sun gets it dried out. I may go for a ride on the harley, I don’t know yet. Just finished reading both Leann and Cathy’s blogs... things are exciting, it is nice to share events with friends and even better to be in a position to pray for those in need. Makes me feel good.
On the home front, nothing from Omar, perhaps Achmed took him along??
Ah well, tis a matter for the foggy mind to dwell upon... in the mean time, I am including pictures of my first attempt at sweet (zucchini) bread... Oh, ya, it smells so very good too.
I stole the link below from Leann's blog... it's neat, click on it. "This is way kool"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The beauty of the flowers and the history of those gone before us...

Up late then Coffee at McDonalds. From there stopped at Ralph’s and he will come over to have me replace the idler pulley on his car. Margaret called this morning and asked me to wait a little before coming over to make bread as she needed to to to some appointment this morning. Margaret called, I went down and we mixed up the zucchini bread together and then she stuffed it in the oven... I got home and called Ralph and over he came. I took off the old idler pulley and put the new one on and it bound up so I took it off and compared the two and the new one didn’t have the relief that it needed to clear the phenolic body of the idler. We went back to AutoZone and they only showed the one pulley so then off to Napa. Ben pulled the right one off the shelf, gave me a dealership discount and we got back to my place where I installed the idler and the new serpentine belt for Ralph. He is gone now to see if the Alternator is too noise, it is also a Napa part. I just finished reading Leann’s blog, found it to be interesting and I see some budding thought patterns emerging that could prove for interesting reading... Don’t sell yourself short Leann, you are very capable and I can only imagine some of the experiences you’ve had... especially where you work. Cathy, I checked, but your blog seems to be parked for the moment... come on girl, get busy and update... I gotta know how thing are going in ‘bama’ land. Yesterday proved to be a very nice afternoon... at the moment, I shall leave it at that and perhaps later the mood will move me to elaborate but for now, you may wonder.
Ralphy called me again this afternoon and asked if I were home... I said no and he says I know, I am in your driveway... evidently he went to Napa again and asked Ben to listen to the noise and Ben said that the alternator has a bearing out.
I told Ralphy that we would pull if off after coffee in the morning and I will run him down to Napa to get another one.
I went to Walmart this afternoon and dumped $137 bucks.  Got some things I needed and some things I wanted... problem is the things I wanted outnumbered the things I needed... Oh well, so goes life a bachelor.
There was a note on the front door from Omar, he told me that he is taking Achmed to the bus depot.  My thoughts are that Achmed is taking off... lingering in the background of my muddled mind is "for how long and where"????  I have the beginnings of a thermal migraine... damn arabs.
Y'all have a great night and I will think up something for the 'morrow.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A late beginning to a short week...

Coffee at McDonalds then off to deliver meals, another new client today so I am up to 15 again. Stopped at Roths and got a loaf of bread and some carmels... I love them and they are out in prep for Halloween and the carmel apples and such. Looks to be a beautiful day today and feeding the ducks should be fun and provide an opportunity to deepen a friendship at the same time. Ralphy is supposed to take his car into Sams and get another opinion on the noise he hears under the hood. I still think it is the tensioner pulley. Omar is mysteriously absent this morning, I am not sure where he might be but there was a trail of cracker crumbs leading down the dungeon steps so he may have gone down there... I still wonder about Achmed and the cell phone thing... perhaps they are in cahoots and putting together some surprise for me... I shudder to think. Imagination my friends is what spices up the mundane existence we muddle tru...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day... so, ya wonder where that name came from??

Coffee at McDonalds then over to Julie’s to pick up Ralphy. It is foggy today and I don’t think the temperature is supposed to be very high. Paying my bills now, it is always good to pay them on time. Just finished washing and cleaning the microwave, had to take the intake grill off and use degreaser on it... so many little nooks and crannies to get.. I must have washed it 4 times to get them all. I squirted Omar with the hose and got him pretty wet... he smells like a damp dog now, kinda looks like one too.
Now, about the history of "Labor Day" ...
Labor Day: How it Came About; What it Means Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Founder of Labor Day More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers. Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold." But Peter McGuire's place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic. The First Labor Day The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883. In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a "workingmen's holiday" on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country. Labor Day Legislation Through the years the nation gave increasing emphasis to Labor Day. The first governmental recognition came through municipal ordinances passed during 1885 and 1886. From them developed the movement to secure state legislation. The first state bill was introduced into the New York legislature, but the first to become law was passed by Oregon on February 21, 1887. During the year four more states — Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York — created the Labor Day holiday by legislative enactment. By the end of the decade Connecticut, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania had followed suit. By 1894, 23 other states had adopted the holiday in honor of workers, and on June 28 of that year, Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories. A Nationwide Holiday The form that the observance and celebration of Labor Day should take were outlined in the first proposal of the holiday — a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations" of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families. This became the pattern for the celebrations of Labor Day. Speeches by prominent men and women were introduced later, as more emphasis was placed upon the economic and civic significance of the holiday. Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement. The character of the Labor Day celebration has undergone a change in recent years, especially in large industrial centers where mass displays and huge parades have proved a problem. This change, however, is more a shift in emphasis and medium of expression. Labor Day addresses by leading union officials, industrialists, educators, clerics and government officials are given wide coverage in newspapers, radio, and television. The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker.