Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The end of March... I am getting excited now...

Mar 31, 2011

As I posted late yesterday, I will not recap the events of yesterday here, I am having coffee now and will tell you that sleep was good, considering the long day we had yesterday (Wednesday here).

Nora is in good spirits today, that is always pleasureable to me. Today is the last day of March, April shines it's lovely presence starting tomorrow. We will go again to the US Embassy in the morning to see what they have to say at the Immigration window, hopefully we will be able to see the eventual end of forms and money outlay and even get a Visa Interview appt.

Yesterday Nora spoke to someone at St. Lukes clinic and they told her that Kenneth and Joyce could re-medical at any time and actually even schedule their Visa Interview... I told her I wanted all three of them to do it together... I will double check that tomorrow.

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Wednesday, US Embassy day...

Mar 30, 2011

Wednesday morning, we got up at 5:30am and left the Apt at 6:30 to head into Manila and the US Embassy to check the Immigration window to see what the next step will be in processing my family's visas.

As luck would have it, the Immigration department was closed yesterday so we went to window 25, the one where I submitted the I-130 and to the guy that we've spoken to each time, he said that when we go to the Immigration window, they will tell us the next steps required to set a visa appointment and the forms that may be required so, we decided that I will go to Manila on Friday and we will check it out again.

From there, we stopped at Wendy's and I had some french fries and Nora had some Filipino dish with Rice, egg and something else.

Next stop was St. Lukes clinic and she managed to get in fairly quickly even though there were a number of people ahead of her.

We were back home by 11:30.

The rest of the day was mundane, at 4pm Nora wanted to go to Divine to buy dinner so off we went.

Quiet evening, read some in the iPad then we both were tired so went to sleep about 10:00pm.

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday, money is on the way, cloudy (aren't babies funny little critters??)

Mar 29, 2011

Last night was pleasant, the temps were such that we slept well, I gave Nora 2,,500p to complete out her monthy budget.

This morning, I gave Loren 100p to put 1.5 liters of fuel in the motor so we could go to breakfast at the place on the way to Marilao... we both had rice cereal and Nora had a deep fried hard boiled egg... never saw one of those before.

One thing of interest that happened either this morning or late last night, the baby, "El Diablo in Diapers", managed to throw the TV remote control out the window onto the cement patio outside... I have told the children and also Nora many times to keep the remotes away from the babys reach as he thinks of it only as a toy to play with, as often as I have preached this is as often as they leave it well within his sight and reach... I found it this morning and now they will no longer have use of it. I will not give it back to them period... Sometimes ya just gotta make a stand. My money bought that nice TV for this family and all I ever asked them was to treat it well... too bad for them.

I got a note from RemitHome today that the money is coming so it should get here this afternoon. I will go to US Embassy tomorrow with the approval letter for the I-130 and see what to do next.

It is overcast here today but not yet hot so maybe we will get another reprieve from the heat.

I am going to contact AT&T about the bill I just received to see why it is much higher than any previous normal bills... I hate that company.

Alex is home now, got home yesterday evening... the first thing this morning he borrowed 2,000p to be paid back tomorrow... we shall see...

Have a great day all...

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Mar 29, 2011

Monday morning, I have already written about what happened yesterday and last night so we continue from that point... we both slept well last night, once the boys quit the singing and closed up shop which occurred about 1am this morning.

This starts another week for Nora and puts us closer to her finish of treatment.

RemitHome should be delivering our budget today or tomorrow I hope... I haven't checked my mail yet so don't know for sure.

Have a great day !!

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Combo post of Saturday and Sunday... sorry

Mar 27-28, 2011

I see it would appear that I have started to develope a habit of combining two days into one post, I don't want to continue or rather expand that habit, but yet this is another one.

Saturday we did go to the Mall in the afternoon, but it was not an expensive day this time, I only spent the money to buy us each a Halo Halo dessert dish, the rest of the time was spend window shopping by Nora, looking at clothes and purses and shoes etc. It was a nice time and we took a few pictures also which are on Facebook now.

The one series of photos are of a street girl, little thing goes each day to the Jeepney terminal in hopes of begging enough to survive yet another day... I wonder of her parents or guardians if she has any or older siblings if not... How can a country allow for things of this nature to continue unabated. It seems to be human nature to conserve our accumulated wealth for some mysterious time in the future when we might need it rather than to share... Oh, I know many do give, but so many more don't. I gave to this little girl even though she hadn't asked me, I could have given more but didn't... why? I don't know why. Sometimes it seems like taking a teaspoon of water out of the ocean... what difference does it make? Unless you give a teaspoon to every living person and make them dip also, there will never be an appreciable difference. Children and adults alike deserve a better existance than what is demonstrated by these street children.

After returning home, the rest of the day was a carbon copy of most days here at the apartment, baby crying children outside making racket, more animals...turkeys running loose, rooster calling to his idiot friends, ducks, geese, ants... oh yes always the ants.

Sunday morning, we got up early and prepared to go to Divine and 9am mass. I sat thru yet another one, not understanding the language, standing then sitting then standing etc, all ritualistic of the Catholic process of saving us. I would never rejoin the Catholic church or any other organized religious organization again, I much prefer the Non-denominational Christian faith that I prescribe to currently. It serves my purpose and fulfills my Christian needs quite nicely.

After church, Nora needed to shop a little for lunch so I waited by the drugstore for her to finish. When she was finished we took a tricab home.

The boys in the back were busy preparing for the birthday get together of Kiggin, the cousin of Nora and son of Alex's sister LiliBeth who will be miving back to Bicol, and Basud next month.

The song machine was there so I knew that we would be seronaded that evening and we were, until about 1am this morning (today is Monday here). The happiness at the party was nice to see, it appeared that everyone had a good time... the singing left something to be desired, but it was hard not to get caught up in the spirit of the occasion. Oddly, the men do most of the singing, not the women.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Saturday extends the journey, happiness is mine, the future awaits...

Mar 26, 2011

A low pressure area is hovering above the Norther Philippines now so there will be a change in weather, I am not sure what it will bring, but in the past it has brought rain and cooler temps. We shall see if that is the case this time.

Yesterday was a good day for the most part, I am often though reminded that I am a work in progress and at times I think the progress is going the wrong way. There are many things here and during the course of the journey that I have embarked upon that test the patience and endurance of man. Not so much in a physical way, but rather in emotional ways, frustratiing things over which one has limited or no control. Those are the things that bring to the forefront my shortcomings and the need for renewed effort to change.

There are times when I wish that my powder were damp... (in you mind, think of the advice of old time pirates who always told their crew to keep their powder dry with the threat of impending danger)... my powder is too dry sometimes, almost residing at flash point and that is not good and something that I attribute to the above mentioned times and things over which I have no or little control. I have come to believe that I am a bit of a control freak and that losing control or lacking control is a source of irritation to me. Those are also the things of which I constantly pray to God to help me change... it is a slow process... akin to changing from a lump of coal to a diamond in the rough.

Though not at all impossible, it still remains a challenge to me to form this God made lump of clay into a usable and kindly vessle of love and positive emotion. I suppose after considering that it took the better part of 67 years to become this way, it will also take a concerted and constant effort to remould it.

But in that quest I've never given up and progress has certainly been made in all areas, but there remains more, always more to be moulded and shaped into the being I envision myself to become. For those who watch on the sidelines, the changes that I attempt, pray for my success and ask God to use a bigger stick !!!

We will probably actually go to SM Mall today, again after lunch. I have nothing to purchase and thus will take with me limited funds, that seems the best way to preserve what pitiful wealth Nora has left me with (don't tell her I said that). Actually what she gets from me is gladly given.

Have a wonderful day and remember always that self improvement is a grand investment in your future...

Coffee is steaming and the day is opening like a morning lilly... I love my life and hope you love yours also.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Two days worth... and the weekend is almost here.

Mar 24-25, 2011

Well today is Friday, I didn't write on Thursday for some inexplicable reason, so today I will continue... Wednesday was of nothing special, perhaps that is why I wrote nothing of it. Thursday, on the other hand was a day that we went to the SM Mall as Nora had a day off from going to Manila and St. Lukes clinic. Sometimes the hospital has things that they must do that seem to preclude the patients of DOT coming in for their meds and in that case, the day before the hospital gives them the pills for the day that they will be unable to attend.

Yesterday Morning, we spent the day remaking the kitchen area, shelf paper, relocating the stereo and hanging a cover over the opening under the sink. I will admit, it looks much better, cleaner and more organized. She has an amazing eye opening experience once she comes home with me... I will let her know the standard that I have kept in the house and will help her to adapt to that standard... she cleans well, but here it is everyday an uphill battle as there is just no way to keep ahead of the dirt and dust and bugs... At home of course, that is not a problem.

We left the house yesterday around 1pm to go to the Mall, the hiway is still torn up so the delays were long. We actually took a tri-cab to the mall this time as opposed to a Jeepney.

The first thing we did at the mall was to stop at Dairy Queen and buy a couple of Blizzards. After that, we shopped some and I gave Nora a total of 1,000p to spend on new jeans or shorts of her choice. It took her awhile so I sat on the ledge of a bicycle display and read a story in my phone. When she was done, we stopped and got her some facial wash and toner that she needed. We then stopped at Jollibee for some french fries... she is now addicted to them like myself.

After that, to the Department store where we are a favorite customer of the 'Cheetos Jalapeño style". I gathered up two bags for us and on the way out of the mall Nora stopped and bought a box of dougnuts for the kids at 'Mr. Donut".

After that, the ride home.

The evening was occupied by our neighbors, (the boys) and Ruping, Alex's father in law, drinking their brandy and making loud and friendly sounds... Not a bad night at all considering...

This morning, Friday, I am having my coffee and toast shall probably be included in the breakfast fare. Not sure what the day will bring forth, but we will be ready to great it for sure...

Not planning another trip to the Mall unless a really great movie is showing, if not, we will remain home.

I hope, as your weekend approaches, that you have fun things to do and leave the tedious homework for another time... Grins and happiness to you from the family in Marilao...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Humpin again... soon March with be history.

Mar 23, 2011

Today is Wednesday, middle of the week if you will and what is affectionately known in many areas, especially the work venue as "Hump Day". Halfway thru the work week... It doesn't apply to me any more in that particular respect which at times I do truly miss, as the work part of the day helped you navigate thru the 24 hour period until the next day... plus I truly miss the social aspect of working, especially in the customer service area like I experienced for most of my working career.

Nothing of any special interest occurred later yesterday except for the fact that while I was waiting to pick up Nora at the bus stop, Alex came with the van and told me that Alec would take the motor back to the compound and that I could accompany him to the shell where the store is that he was going to deliver the cookies to... we had arranged me to go with him earlier in the day. As we left in the van, I saw the bus Nora was on coming. She took a cab home, tried to tell me that she waited for me for an hour... little stinker.

Sleep was slow in coming and even then it was very uncomfortable as it remained very warm all night. We had a teasing time with each other regarding her being too 'Hot" and her saying I am too cold... it was fun.

The money that is coming from RemitHome should be processed today and I should get it in 4 or 5 days.

Nothing special for today, I am having coffee now.

If something of interest happens, I will let you know.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tuesday, hot, humid and here...

Mar 22, 2011

Good Morning !! Yesterday afternoon and evening were pleasant, but the weather remained sultry and uncomfortable to me and made taking an additional shower a matter of survival. Nothing significant happened, Nora was talking about her friend Ghia, who according to Nora is a chronic braggard and a liar to boot. They became friends when both were in Taiwan together.

She asked me to remove Ghia from her facebook, and I told her to wait a day and think the matter over, she knows that the lady brags and tells fibs so why delete her, just sit back and revel in the fact that you know she is a chronic fibber and also that she is very jealous of the situation you find yourself in... you are the lucky one I told her.

We both managed to fall asleep after Nora attacked me physically, my goodness, I found her checking out porn on her iPhone... actually we watched some in Korea together too... No, it is not habitual, but sorta fun once in awhile. Anyway, AFTER the event, we slept then she woke up scared form having a dream again of ghosts and goblins... I told her she is superstitious and of course she denied it but she truly is as a re many of the filipinos.

Today of course is Tuesday, another trip to Manila for Nora and I will wait here and see if we get something in the mail... It is so difficult for me to wait, I might pen a letter to Wells Fargo outlining what I want from them after I read the requirements of the I-864 again. It will be a blessing when this whole thing is done.

I see that the sky promises another hot day with humidity added. Just gets hotter and hotter every day... but I knew that this was the hot part of the year from talking to the residents here and Nora and Alex.

Well enjoy the day, Sister, I hope we can connect today via YM, I miss my morning talks with you and Gareth... but you are never ever far from my thoughts, remember that !!

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yes, it is another one, one of those dreaded 'Mondays'... closer we come to the end.

Mar 21, 2011

Well after breakfast yesterday, I went with Alex to Santa Maria to the 'Grotto' church and bazzar where he had some deliveries to make, Angelo and Kiggen went with us. The drive there was testy as the Sunday morning traffic was thick... what I did notice was a marked improvement in the road surface and a generally cleaner environment. Many little towns but it seemed that they were somewhat nicer than Divine.

Once there, Alex made the rounds, the overall theme of course is Catholic/religious. It is the area surrounding Divine and Santa Maria that a trek will be made on foot by over 1 million filipino people in obserance of Holy week.

I bought Nora and each of the children a rosary of wooden beeds and then bought Nora a folding sun hat that she can keep in her purse. (pink of course).

We returned here a little after 1pm and Nora fixed me some rice and some type of soup for lunch. The laundry lady was almost done and the clothes were hanging... I fixed the clothes lines with bits of cloth attached by wire to each end and coated that contraption with used motor oil... that keeps the red ants from traveling from the Mango trees over the wire. Nothing is a worse surprise than pulling on a pair of shorts to find that a big red ant has taken residence before you.

Ruping, Alex's father in law, brought a delivery box van over that he had purchased and employed all the boys from the factory to help him clean the exterior of it (aluminum box) they stripped the side panels of the advertising panels then scrubbed the aluminum to remove the residue... quite a job as they had no chemicals to help in the process outside of a little gasoline and hand soap... A full day they worked on that thing.

Ruping is a buyer and seller of salvage, mostly junk but he does manage to make some money doing it. He is a nice enough guy and used to be a Jeweler and local politician. Now he spends much time here with friends, playing cards or Majhoong. He has a tendency to drink too much though. Has a heart of galvanized gold I think... whatever that might alude to.

The afternoon passed quietly, not much happening, played with baby for a little and drank a couple of San Miguel beers with Ruping and the boys as the knocked off for the day and commenced to kill a couple fifths of light brandy, the favorite drink here. I have never tasted the stuff myself although they have offered it to me more times than I can count.

About 8pm I retired to the apt, bathed and started to read some more of my iPad book. Nora came about 8:30 and used the iPad to update her farms and do her Facebook stuff. At 9pm I gave her an Ambien and by 9:15 she was loopy. She slept very soundly last night which is a first for her in several days. We both slept pretty good last night.

I am enjoying my morning coffee and pancakes are in the making as I write this...

Being Monday, a new week is starting which will put us yet closer to the goal of leaving here and returning to my, soon to be our home. I just told Nora that tomorrow I am going to go to US Embassy to see what is next or further required for us regarding the I-130.

So much for the haps here in the Philippines. Maybe something exciting will happen today, if so, I will let you know.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Already the 20th... where or where does time go??

Mar 20, 2011

Last night, I tried three times to explain to Nora that it really is upsetting to me that she appears to ignore, or at the very least, not hear me when I talk to her. Each time I started to tell her, she would think of something she needed to do and away the conversation went. My night was started with frustration and not being able to relay my thoughts to her, then to complicate matters, she was restless and couldn't sleep thus kept me from sleeping.

Finally she drifted off after an amourous affair but then, to my total chagrin, the Rooster and hen that Ruping had for some reason put in our front yard in a wire cage. The rooster crowed 3 different times, once about 1:30, again at 2:30 and the third time about 4am... I shall inform Ruping that the birds will have to go down below where the rest of his menagerie of farm animals live now along with the garbage that he has stored here.

I am or at least seem to be ignorant in the methods to convey my thoughts to my wife, I don't know just yet if it is just that she doesn't understand me or if it is that what she hears she mis-understands or whether she just doesn't listen... I need to narrow down the facts and then attempt to remedy the situation as communication between mates is essential to a healthy and lasting relationship... I know Sister, we've chatted about this before but as the issue is not resolved as of yet, it still remains important to me and more than just a little bit irritating at times... but, thru diligence and tact I shall overcome it.

The laundry lady is busy with the clothes, blankets, pillow cases etc. now. She will be busy for a while.

Yesterday at the mall, I bought a hose/brush washing system that uses no motor but thru a suction device provides water flow up thru the hose and thru the brush, as long as you are moving the brush, water is supplied... Nice for mixing up a good soapy solution to wash walls or cars or whatever without having to have a source of running water from a tap.

At the Mall, we went to see an Alien invasion movie, "World invasion" or something like that... lots of action.

I also purchased one of the airtight tupperware like containers that have flaps on the lid that hold the top securely to the container top... I wanted something to keep our opened chips in that would keep them fresh. Then I bought a little (think minature ketchup squirt bottle) to contain some old motor oil that I will use to dampen rag pieces that I will attach to opposing ends of the clothes lines to keep the ants from walking on the wire and thus entering our hanging clothes...

That will be my morning project I think. Other than what has been mentioned, nothing of any special interest seems apparent at the moment.

Breakfast of bread (toast) and coffee and egg is complete now.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Saturday once again, another trip to SM Mall and who knows???

Mar 19, 2011

Ah, the night was good, we both went to sleep very happy and contented. The game of love is often frustrating, but last night it was fun and happy and satisfying. I have a good wife, a little off center but a very good wife.

We woke about 7:10am or so this morning, the sounds of the villiage roused us from peaceful sleep. It was comfortable last night, not too warm.

We are having coffee just now, Kenneth had school early today so he left the house about 8am. Unusual for him to have early school.

The baby is being noisy, something he has mastered early in his existance. Still pees in the doorway though... seems to me that Jenny could change that habit but alas, that has not yet occurred so I park my slippers away from the entrance so as to avoid the stench of baby pee...

Today we will of course go to SM Mall, I was informed by Nora yesterday that there are many sales this weekend... It saddens me that I cannot just turn her loose to spend as she pleases, but there are too many hidden expenses yet to be met before we set foot on the soil of America. Prudence in spending is the only way to meet those expenses that loom before us.

I am not sure if we will take in a movie or not, depends greatly on what is offered and what Nora might enjoy. We shall see.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Repair of the iron and stubborn Pinays...

Mar 18, 2011

The evening was quiet, nothing unusual happened, I went to the sleeper room about 7:45 to bathe and then read some in my iPad. Nora came about 8:45pm.

We slept pretty good, it was warmer last night but not terribly uncomfortable for me... Nora is not affected as I am by the heat so she doesn't really know what I endure here. She knows that it is not nice for me, but that is all.

Having coffee now and just thinking of how quickly the time is going now, it won't be long and I or we, whichever the case ends up being will be on the big bird headed home... finally !!!

Nora told me the iron is not working according to Joyce... I checked it out and found that the cord, where it meets the plugin was defective so I replace the end with another plugin that I had and now it works, after Kenneth used it to iron his shirt, I decided to replace the cord which is only about 3.5' long with one about 5 or 6' long... I will go to the hardware store and buy the cord and then replace it.. that will give more room to navigate the iron when doing clothes. The problem is trying to get the children and Nora not to wrap the cord so tightly around the iron, it bends it too sharply and causes the cord to weaken and then break after a time.

It is much like me trying to explain to Nora why she should leave her iPhone plugged into the charger until it is 100% charged... she doesn't grasp the fact that the type of battery the phone uses, developes a memory of the state of charge and if you continually only partially charge it, it gets to the point where it will no longer charge fully thus decreasing the useable battery life... it is no easy feat to replace the battery on an iPhone 3Gs model. better to send to Apple who charges $65 for a battery replacement.

She is very stubborn and difficult to convince of many things, I am not sure why, but once she gets something in her mind, whether it be right or wrong, it is quite the affair to change her thinking.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thursday... I want to go home and SpEaK AmErIcAn (something I can understand...

Mar 17, 2011

It is Thursday morning here in Marilao, afer a refreshing nights sleep and an early morning bath I am ready to face the perils of the day and make the most of the opportunities afforded me.

Nora had a great nights sleep, she barely moved. Often times she seems to have trouble staying asleep or dropping off to sleep, I on the other hand never, unless it is too warm, have a problem falling asleep.

I have a serious problem getting Nora to tell me what is going on on the TV shows, news or anything else, she talks to the kids about it but never explains it to me in english... I become so frustrated in not being able to understand the language and the lack of help she offers me to understand is frustrating also. I don't understand why she doesn't help me in that area.

I told Nora this morning that if we don't hear from the State Department about the next steps in the procurement of her and the kids visa's, I will go back to the Embassy next week.

I don't believe that there is anything I need to do today so it will probably be pretty uneventful.

••• The usual surprises no longer are surprising to me, just now, at 9:53 AM Alex comes running up to me saying 'Boss, boss, can I borrow"?  Another 6,000p he borrowed to pay for the private school tuition for his children... so now, this afternoon, according to Alex, I will receive the total amount of 8,000p which is what he currently owes me...

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hump day... what an odd name for the middle (think camel though)

Mar 16, 2011

Well nothing of any substance, with the exception of a good news phone call from Gareth... I am so very happy that his blood/sugar levels and all the other tests that his blood panel revealed are in a good range. It will make Lollie happy and certainly give Gareth some peace of mind... he is very wary of his health anyway and most everything else for that matter that some good news is just the thing to lift his spirits and make for a great day.

Nothing happened here in Marilao, Nora and I went to divine for some food, she spent 2,500 of her 6,000p for the week, staples and things that only last a week, soaps, conditioners, laundry items etc... it goes very quickly it seems and my children are not consumer conscious as yet so they don't tend to conserve much. That will change though.

I went with Alex in the morning, had a banana to take my pills with and then we stopped at a McDonalds for some breakfast, ended up Fries and a quarterpounder as that particular McDonalds does not serve breakfast... is that odd or what??? I really had my taste buds set for a sausage egg Mcmuffin but no luck.

Wednesday it is today. I am wondering if I should make another trip to the US Embassy to the Immigrant window to see what is next to accomplish. I feel that time is running down now so I cannot tarry and thus prolong leaving to go home.

Kenneth is supposed to have a project this afternoon at school so he should actually be home late.

Have a great day people...

••• Alex just repaid me 3,000p of the 5,000p he borrowed, now will repay the 2,000p balance tomorrow he says...

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tuesday and Payday for Nora... she will smile of course...

Mar 15, 2011

Another quiet night, Alex did tell me that he may need to borrow from me again, but so far he has not.

We slept well.

It will be hot today, probably in the low 90 or high 80˚ area. Nothing that I particularly like, but it is, what it it...

This might be the boringest post I have made for a long time, at least in my humble opinion... Today Gareth sees his doctor again hopefully with a permanent gameplan for his medications. That would be nice I think.

I am having coffee now, having already bathed in what little water there was available... Perhaps I will add to this a little, later on or maybe not... we shall see.

Starting today, I am increasing Nora's weekly budget to 6,000p as everthing we need has gone up in price...

••• Alex wanted me to ride to Manila with him this morning so I did, took my pills along to take when we had breakfast.  He also borrowed from me 5,000p to be repaid Wed or Thurs.

I gave Nora 6,000p for her weekly budget.

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The start of another week... Mondays are the beginnings and Sundays the culmination...

Mar 14, 2011

The remainder of the day yesterday proved mostly uneventful 'cepting a couple of trips to divine to sate Nora's appetite. They did not go to church as Nora had a pretty decent headache yesterday afternoon, after a temple massage and an excedrin, she managed to mend.

This morning, I awoke before 7am and roused Nora out with some pulse increasing old age disco music... just the beat of it reminds me of Africa and ancient cannibal dancing before a sacrifical bonfire. It does get one moving even though you might not be mentally prepared for that much mind blowing music first thing in the morning.

As this Monday unveils itself, we shall see what exactly the good Lord has planned for us. I have no particular plans, but that is subject to constant and never ending change.

Other than that, I wish you all a good day and hope that the pursuit of your dreams proves plentiful and rewarding.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunday, laundry, reading, sweating, laughing, enjoying, smiling having a good time !!!

Mar 13, 2011

Yesterday, although the original plan was for Nora and I to go to the Mall and a movie, what ended up happening is that she was crampy and did not feel comfortable going out so, I decided to take Jenny and Joyce out with me as a treat to them... I was first just going to take Joyce, but then the thought came to me that Jenny would probably really like a break from the baby... I asked Nora if she would mind baby sitting and of course she said she would love to to about 12:30, the two girls and I started out for the mall.

We walked down to the main intersection of the highway and form there caught a Jeepster to the SM Mall. Once at the mall, we went to the theater where I purchased tickets to see "Little Red Riding Hood' as the movie we wanted to see was not available. After getting the tickets, I gave each of the girls 250p to spend. I told the girls to meet me at the theater at 2:30.

Then I went to the internet cafe and had the I-230, I-964 and the W-7 forms printed out at a cost of 195p, from there, I went to the National bookstore and bought a folder to keep them in for 9p. After that, I stopped at Dairy Queen and bought a carmel sundae. After finishing the sundae, I went to the grocery section of the department store and bought some chips (cheetos of course) to take home.

It was about 2:10 so I headed to the theater to meet up with the girls at 2:30. They were right on time. We went into the theater and sat a couple rows higher than Nora and I usually do. The trailers were fun to watch and then the movie started. This was a dark version of 'Little Red Riding Hood', and thus had so rather scary moments... I can honestly say though that I would not spend money to see that movie again... the girls seemed to enjoy it though.

After the movie, we went to Chow King where I treated us all to Halo Halo (a popular philipino dessert). From there, a quick stop at Pan de Mania to buy bread then we hopped a junket to head back to the villiage... A great afternoon and a little bonding... Kenneth and I will have to do it some time before I leave.

Quiet evening, nothing of excitement at all, we chatted a little bit after Nora came to the sleeper room and then off to sandman land. She slept pretty well it seemed...

The laundry lady is here and that process is now underway so I know what this day will yield. Nora told me that she and Joyce would go to mass this afternoon about 4:30.

Alex repaid me the 1,000p

We shall see what the day unfolds into.... take care, God bless all

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Saturday, another Movie and bye bye to Ate and Uncle...

Mar 12, 2011

Nora slept very well last night, but this morning, before 6am, the neighbors were already up and making way too much noise...

Nora told me last night that Ate Linda wants to borrow 1,800p against the neighbors next month rent... I will loan it to her and take it from the rent receipts for next month of the neighbor.

Hand to mouth, the story of live here in the Philippines. Sadly, we, the Ultra Rich Americanos have no concept of how people live here in the Philippines... I cherish the knowledge that I have gleened from the year I have lived here in the philippines.

Ate Linda and Uncle Edwin will be attending the funeral of her late brother tomorrow and then proceeding to Bicol and Basud. Once they leave here today we won't see them again for a time...

Saturday routine will pervail I hope, we plan to go see the 'Unknown' this afternooon at the SM Mall. Weekends are always fun then tomorrow will be the inevitable laundry day... Yesterday I bought Nora a nice hand woven basket to keep our dirty laundry in... cost me about $2.50... unbelievable prices.

Alex just borrowed 1,000p until this afternoon he says...

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

TGIF, a weekend to celebrate the approval of the I-130

Mar 09 & 10, 2011

Well, I can tell you that the reason that I did not post on the 9th was that we had left early, about 7:30am to go to the US Embassy to find out the status of the I-130 package that I had submitted on behalf of Nora and Joyce and Kenneth. The day was good, the bus trip, we had to stand all the way almost but at least it was air conditioned.

Once in Manila, Nora had to go to the CR... that girl has the weakest kidneys of anyone I know... After that, we caught a ride in a Jeepney to the Embassy. It has moved from the old building that I went to on the 10th of February when we filed into a brand new building about a block away... boy is it ever nice compared to the other one... Be proud America, I saw the result of your tax dollars and I was pleased.

We went to the window at the Dept of Homeland Security and after a quite awhile, we saw the same man who I have worked with in the past and now he lives behind window 25. Hooray !!! the I-130 package has been approved and he told me just to wait for the letter... Nora and I were elated to say the least.

From there, on the way to St. Lukes clinic, we decided to stop at Jollibee restaurant and have some lunch as we had skipped breakfast and were starved. I had a large order of fries and Nora a plate of spaghetti and chicken (odd combination of food products I feel).

After lunch, we proceeded to St. Lukes clinic and it was nearly deserted so Nora had no wait at all and soon we were on our way again. We went to the supermarket where she purchased some things that were needed at home, no skittles this time, this market does not carry them and we forgot to stop at the local convenience store where we normally buy a bag for the ride home.

The rest of the day (we arrived home about 1:30pm was spent revelling in the knowledge that our package had been approved then about 2:30 here comes the mailman and guess what that little rascal had in his little paws... the letter of approval for all three of them one for Nora, one for Kenneth and one for Joyce... Now, I need to fill out the affidavit of support and then they can apply at the Embassy for their Visas... I thank God, to whom we both prayed that things would go smoothly for us, for the positive results of yesterdays visit.

It is now 8:18 AM and Ate Linda and Uncle Edwin got here yesterday, they attended the wake of her brother who passed on just the other day... the funeral is supposed to be Saturday I believe. It is of course good to see them but I wish it were under different circumstances for sure.

Today is Friday (again it haunts me) but there is nothing planned now, Alex cancelled the trip we were going to make. Nora and I will go to SM Mall tomorrow and I will print out the W-7 forms that need to be filled out to obtain the ITIN numbers for Nora and the kids then perhaps Alex and I will go to Angeles City to the John Boyd foundation to submit them next week one day.

I chatted for a little bit with Gareth and Lollie yesterday afternoon, they were going out for the evening so we didn't talk forever.

Last night I slept pretty good except that Nora had one of her restless nights and didn't fall asleep until late, eventually, after getting up to say hi to Ate Linda, she creeped back into bed and must have passed out.

This morning, my right ear is plugged up, cannot hear from it, I had Nora put some Hydron peroxide in it in hopes to loosen what ever is in there...

I will close now, breakfast and coffee have been taken so nothing now but lunch to go.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another Wednesday and another trip to the Embassy... status of I-130 sought...

Mar 09, 2011

Well last night was just fine, the temp had dropped a little and the fan picked up the slack. I had to make 5 trips to the bathroom because of diarrahea.. an unfortunate result of the anti-biotics that I've been taking to cure the infection in my right foot. Thankfully the infection is gone now, and I will only take the pills one more day I think.

Today we plan to go to Manila together and me to the US Embassy to see about the status of our I-130 form.

During the conversations Nora and I exchanged last night, it becomes increasingly obvious how excited she is to be finished with her St. Lukes clinic treatment regimine and the potential to go to America and start her new life as my partner and wife. Now starts the anxiety about the government required forms etc. that we need to have... I think we have them all, except I think I will still need to submit the financial support form.

It will be a long day though and we both hope a good one too...

Lollie, the newest version of "Brother improved" is already on the way so lets hope, together, that his journey is successful... Thank you !!!

I love my family, all of them.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Life deals jokers in the hand at times...

Mar 08, 2011

The remainder of last night was non-eventful for the most part, just after we had dinner, I had returned to the little apt. and Nora came and told me that Alex wanted to borrow 1,500p for a couple of days... I loaned it again to him. I also gave her 5,500p for her weekly budget

Nora has a medical issue that is causing a little distress in our relationship, something that we both think is a result of her being bombarded with so many Anti-biotics for such a long time... It has severly decreased her libidio and considering that I still have a very healthy appetite, it has negatively impacted us. Though I approach the issue with hope, I am worried that the condition could be ever lasting and so she will talk to her Doctor (female) about it and see if there is some logical explanation...

We did not have any problem like this when I was in Korea with her nor did we have the problem when I visisted her in Basud for 4 months... it has just been since the onset of her treatment at St. Lukes clinic that this has happened to us. Though the issue is not all encompassing in the marriage, it does have significant impact on us, especially on me.

Alex approached me yesterday and asked if I would like to go with him to see a potential new client, this would be good for his business and probably result in him borrowing even more from me... I need to rethink this whole process because as I mentioned another time, he is using my money to generate his money with no gain or consideration to me... that is not a good thing and it upsets me that there is never even an offer of recompensation of any kind... perhaps I've backed myself into the proverbial corner on this issue?

Nothing other than those issues have arisen so far and nothing of special interest is planned for today that I am aware of... Gareth will likely get in touch with Claudine today to query her for the answers he needs regarding my taxes, he will likely, or will Lollie, call TurboTax to question them also.

I will add if more becomes available...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

7 March... Monday in the city and here we go again...

Mar 07, 2011

Today is Monday... gosh it seems like they come quickly...

Slept good, I've had coffee and looked on the web at the process of obtaining a ITIN number for the family members and found that the wait time is about 18 weeks... way too long. I will call the Agent in Angeles City to see what he says. All number are issued in the Austin Tx. IRS offices so I am certain that the time lag would be of magnificent proportions...

Probaby tomorrow or Wednesday I will go to the US Embassy in Manila and see what the status of our I-130 might be... I hope for the best of course.

Nora starts yet another week of trips to Manila and St. Lukes clinic... the day that is finished we will surely celebrate.

I just exchanged (3) 100p bills for a bunch of 20p bills that she had... at least now I have change for her should she require it later on.

The spawn is running around like he is possessed of which I am becoming alarmingly aware is true... funny little thing that he is, he still grates terribly on ones nerves after not too long a time. Thankfully I have another place to go so escape is always available... He has 5 teeth now and more coming... not only does he walk well, he leads with his chin and is everyday attempting to run and of course he will climb anything he can hang onto. His curiosity equals that of his grandpa, at least my memories of my youth support that theory.

Tomorrow will be Monday in America and Gareth will be able to pursue some information from Claudine I hope... Damn the tax system anyway !!!

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sunday and not raining (but it did over night)...

Mar 06, 2011

Great Scotts Ghost !!! we didn't get up until 8:30 this morning, my gosh, the dogs never barked and no parties to keep us awake. Wow did we ever sleep soundly, even my toe didn't bother me last night.

We went to bed after 10:00pm, had a few cheetos' and Nora played some of her games and updated her Facebook. I went to sleep before she did, but the little monkey, in the process of climbing over (or through me) to get out of the bed woke me up... she generally doesn't step on me, but there are other things that she does that would wake the dead...

Today is Sunday here in the Philippines and that heralds the coming of the Laundry lady, that thought in mind is what propelled Nora from the bed this morning. I stripped the bed and pillows and gather the few clothes that we had there that were needing the attention of soap and water.

No shower (bath) this morning as much water is used in the process of restoring our clothing to wearable condition. The lady that does our laundry is nice and does a good job I think, she usually is here to start about 7am and finishes about 4, sometimes 3:00 in the afternoon. We pay her 250p each time so she makes 1,000p from us a month.

Joyce has just finished frying an egg for my breakfast and I have the toast working as I write this. Nora is having a small container of yogurt with strawberries, by Nestle.

Well the day is going strong now so I will close out this chapter and see what unfolds as the day grows older...

"Love each Other always..."

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Saturday today, we will pay electric bill and see matinee movie then home early...

Mar 05, 2011

Yesterday afternoon (lunch) Alex and I went out to the Shell Asian plaza and he took care of some business with one of his clients, from there, we went to Marilao to pick up some supplies and also I bought him a beer and then we went to the Marilao convention center where his JCI group will meet tonight to install new officers we had one of the brand new San Miguel lemon beers... I like it, smooth and no sharp taste.

Prior to this, we had made a run into Manila to buy some of the ingredients for the Pia bread he makes for his clients.

We had a good afternoon and enjoyed each other's company...we talked about finances and saving money and the future of him in the JCI organization (Junior Chamber of Commerce). We got home about 4:30, Nora was home already as I knew she would be.

We had a good dinner and then I came to the sleeper room to bath and read a bit, Nora came about 8 or 8:30. We chatted a little then I gave her a complete full body massage using some oil that we had gotten in Daet for that specific purpose... we first used this in Korea. The oil gets warm as you massage the tissue and the heat radiates across the skin... a really good feeling of warmth and relaxation...

We woke up this morning about 7:30, Nora slept very nicely all night and I was up about 4 times attacking the howling dogs that live here in our complex, that slingshot is so nice and quiet and it does pack quite a punch... and is very effective in dispursing the offending animals... I like it, thanks Gareth.

We will be leaving at 10:30 according to the boss, we want to pay the Meralco (electric) bill and they are only open till noon on Saturday then we will hit the 2pm movie and be back home before dinner time.

Hope your Friday is great, I think that today will be good for us, we also need to look for a pair of slippers for the baby, his clogs came apart at the strap...

Let me know how the tax affair is coming Gareth, I am curious if it is as easy as they proclaim on the TurboTax site ...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friday again, children are safe and Joyce has an exam today...

Mar 04, 2011

Well yesterday afternoon, the girls wanted to go to a birthday gathering for their cousin Mara. We gave them permission, Kiggin and Uncle were also going. Nora told Uncle and Joyce, as did I, that they needed to be home before dark and they agreed to be home by the appointed time.

As the night approached, Nora and I both were a little concerned as the girls did not show up, we eventually went to bed, still no girls and I could not connect to the internet to buy Nora a load for her phone so she could call them... There we were with no means of communication and worried sick... the night passed, but not pleasantly.

This morning, I got up, came over to the big apt and woke Kenneth and then made coffee, I reset the router and modem to no avail. I am not sure why, but the internet is not available for some reason.

The girls and Kiggen and Uncle arrived this morning about 7:15. I calmly asked the girls why they did not come home as we had agreed that they would and they revealed to us that Uncle had gotten drunk and they could not leave without him so they spent the night. Kiggen had a phone but no load so he couldn't call and didn't think to use some of the cab money to buy a load. So the lack of communication was the biggest problem, but I will tell you that Uncle will not be trusted again with the safety of our children and I have certainly lost a large amount of respect for him...

I had talked to Lollie awhile back about the differences in Nora's upbringing and the way I was structured in the military environment and how difficult it is for me to sumarily dismiss all those years (plus dad's training) of being on time and keeping ones word or promise. Here it is not afforded the same importance and an attitude of nonchalance seems to permeate everything. I hope that I learn to bend a little more and also that my family learns to import some priority in their daily routines. Together it is possible to make it all work but it will not always be an easy task...

Enjoy your day...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chest xrays for the kids today, their last I hope...

Mar 03, 2011

My right foot, specifically the big or 'Major' toe is red and swollen from where I knicked it on something sharp on the scooter of Alex's. I thought it would be ok, but such is not usually the case with anything that happens to the right hemisphere of my body, weather it be the head, trunk or extremity... pretty much been the case all my life. I've often wondered if other folks have similar circumstances regarding any pattern to injuries or infectious accidents that occur to their person...? have you?

Yesterday afternoon passed relatively quietly, not much after I picked up Nora from the bus stop and dropped her off at the market in Divine. She did buy only 1/2 bag of rice (amazing that she actually followed my advice, I am proud of her for that).

We slept pretty good, at least, she did. My toe started hurting a bit after I thumped it a good one whilst climbing over the anti baby gate that resides across our entrance to the main apt... It has up until now continously reminded me of my aggresive behaviour towards it, I bought some Hydrogen Peroxide to swab it with and it fizzed alot so that result and the redness plus the tenderness tells me that it along with it's long ago healed cousins is infected. Nora will buy me some anti-biotic pills today and in a week it will be fine again.

Still, it seems so odd to me that 99% of the time any injuries that occur to me, happen on the right half of my body... perhaps I am half possessed with an evil being? I know my head is, in it's entirety.

Well, anyway, Nora and the children will be off to St. Lukes clinic in Manila about 8am or so, the hope and prevailing thought is that she and they will return home shortly after noon. That would be nice, even nicer if it were indeed Friday rather than Thursday as it would make for a nice long weekend.

I will walk with them to the corner of the main road where resides a small store/restrauant where I can buy a bowl of rice cereal which I will have for my breakfast as right now coffee is all we have the time for.

I will perhaps add to this journal later, btw, Alex is supposed to pay me today the 2,000p he borrowed yesterday... we shall see.

••• Alex asked me if I would like to ride with him to Mololos where he had a delivery so I and Loren and bong all rode with him, nice to get away from the house for a little while... I took my medicine once I was home and some generic tylenol for the foot.  I put peroxide on it and it bubbled again... the toe is swollen and red so I know the infection is there and it is sore also. Alex paid me the 2,000p also so now he is square with me. Nora gave me one antibiotic pill before she left this morning and will buy more of them today... it usually takes about a week for the infection to go away.

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hump day once again...

Mar 02, 2011

Rain... that is what we had last night, sadly it did nothing to cool off the day, rather it enhanced the humidity so my, our, trusty fan commenced to blowing hot "Moist" air so getting to the point of sleep was an arduous task to say the least... but, that said, we did fall asleep and we did so with smiles on our faces in the knowledge that it had been a good day... Last night was nothing out of the ordinary so there is really nothing of any particular interest to write about.

There are days that the bullshit spews forth on these pages in perpetual unendless chatter and other times I find myself in a quandry as to what might come next... odd isn't it??

Today is Wednesday, so Hump day. Friday will appear soon and we all will be going to Manila, the children will get yet another chest xray and I will hopefully go to the US Embassy to check on the I-130 that I submitted on the 10th of Feb.

I don't know of anything else special that is happening today and have about covered everything that happened up until now.

I am having my morning coffee, Joyce and Kenneth were in process of making the hotcakes (Nora bought syrup). So once breakfast is done, the day will unfold in it's usual manner of organized chaos.

Take care, SMILE alot and enjoy your day...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)