Oct 08, 2010
I suppose it could be said that I spoke in haste as I closed out yesterday's journal, baby denny managed to develope a little fever sometime early this morning, just after midnight I think, and that of course elicited an immediate response from Nora who as with most mothers, has superwoman hearing when it comes to children... (they are amazingly deaf though to husband sounds...) anyway, after addressing the baby's needs, she returned to the lair.
I had one, "Red Horse" beer last night about 8pm... I have noticed that if I drink alcohol, beer in particular, I will prespire during the night much more than is ordinalry normal for me. I was hot all night and uncomfortable... the ambient heat here only amplifies the discomfort. Odd though that it affects me in that way.
No apparent indications of impending Gout attack so hopefully just the one beer did not cause any ill effects outside of the presperation issue... hard to believe that something I really love could cause me a problem... but then maybe if it were cooler here, the effects would not be noticeable.
It is Friday today and it makes both Nora and I so happy, yet another week is coming to a close which just puts us closer to going home.
I will give Nora her weekly allowance of 5,600p today. Last night she approached me with the idea of hiring a laundry lady... it would cost her 250p per week, based on laundry being done once a week. If she can fit that into her budget it is fine, if not then she will not be able to hire a lady.
Nora had a dream last night that we were in America and living in a house with a lot of her relatives and two babies... I myself would have considered that a bit of a nightmare, but just the same, it is what you see here often times... several generations occupy the same house.
My intention is that we go to SM mall tomorrow, I really hope to buy the things to make french toast for the family, I have threatened to do it often but seem to always lack some ingiedient or another to accomplish the feat.
I cannot think of anything special that will need to be taken care of today, but then it is still early, only 7:45am and much of the day has yet to 'happen'. I almost forgot that Nora told me that she wants to go to see the Doctor tomorrow about one of her breasts, seems that it has been overly tender lately, no lumps or swelling or discolorization, but tender and only in certain areas... I pray that it is nothing, but you never know so it is better to have it checked out.
Well, that should get you started my faithful few... I will add anything significant later...
Gonna be a long night... The baby is still running a fever, almost 102 now. He is very lethargic and feels quite warm to the touch. Not being a baby Dr., I can only suppose what might be wrong with him. Teething, possible mstomach viral infection... Who knows what he might have injested off the floor. Conditions here are marginal at best. If he isn't better in the morning, Jenny will have to take him to the doctor.
Nora and Jenny somehow decided to take the baby to a witch doctor better known here as a 'Faith healer', the legitimacy of which I often think should come into question. Although, in this case, the doctor that she took the baby to and the faith healer both seem to agree that the problem stems from a minor throat infection. Hopefully the drugs they prescribed will be effective and the baby will return to normal healthy ways.
Take care and remember me as I remember you...
From denny's iPad...