Later peoples...

Random musings of a "•Twisted Limb•"

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Just somebody you didn't know before.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Another month gone... Spring is around the corner my friends...

Feb 01, 2011

Well January has gone the way of history now, only a memory lingers and the future awaits writing as February bursts forth on the day.

Sleeping was quite good last night, we both went to bed happy and content with the days events.

We woke at about 7am this morning, actually we were woke up by Alex parking the van of his father in law about 4 ft from our front door with headlights blazing in the bedroom window... Alex, although a really nice guy is an alcoholic, he won't admit the fact but they speak for themselves... It is sad to see a good life wasted in a bottle though. He doesn't drink hardly at all during the day but there is rarely a night that goes by that he is not off partying with his friends and usually it is for most of the night... Ana rarely knows where he is.

But that song won't ever be sung for me, I like an occasional beer or two, but I haven't been drunk in 30 years or more. I have been feeling pretty good once in awhile though.

We may go to SM today or may wait till this weekend to go. I hope the new film with Anthony Hopkins, "The Rite" might be playing.

Jenny and the baby are still asleep on the floor and it is now 7:48 AM. They will be rising soon, one way or the other. Jenny being back has not caused any problems so far, I hope that trend continues as I truly enjoy her and the baby being here, the only things I don't like is when the baby is irritable via sickness, I have to leave and go next door when he is crying a lot. Hopefully the medicine Jenny got at the doctor yesterday will clear up his nose and make him all better again.

After Ana told me she did not have my money last night, she showed me a check for 6,000p that she said she would try to cash today so that she can repay me the loan of 5,000p I made to her. I know she feels bad about missing the payment to me.

Well, nothing really left to write about so I shall close off and hopefully the day will remain quiet and peaceful.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

End of the month and another month closer I hope...

Jan 31, 2011

End of the month and a busy day scheduled... I will contine later, in the mean time Lollie, try going to the Apps store from your phone and then download Messenger directly to your iPhone...

••• We left the house at 7am, but the traffic in Manila was absolutely awful and we got to the Embassy at 9am sharp.  No time to make the copies, so I checked in and then left again to let Nora make the copies needed.  The US guy was not in the office this morning so the Philippino guy made copies of my pi driver licence and my retired ID and also my iCard and passport and took the letters of property deed and rental agreement to give to him when he finally makes an appearance.  I also gave them Nora's phone number and my email address.  I did find out that I can pay in cash here in Manila the filing fee for the I-130 forms, a total of US 1,280.00.  That at least will save me time. The hope is that I can file the forms yet this week and get things going on this side of the pond. We had a bite to eat, (Nora took the device to Philips and then stopped at St. Lukes clinic for her dosage of pills.  I waited for her at Wendys, just across the street from the US Embassy. Afer she came, we had a bite to eat and then made our way back to Marilao where she resumed spoiling the grandbaby... hopefully he will be better, Jenny took him to the Doctor today in Marilao and so with luck, in a couple of days he will be better.  His sicknesses are a drain on the financial stability of this family. We will go to SM Mall tomorrow and hopefully fill out the I-130 online and get printed copies of it at the internet cafe there. Later Gator said the crock... odial heheheheh.

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Another visitor gone and another week begins...

Jan 30, 2011

Sleep was better for both of us last night. This morning, Nora and I went into Marilao to pick up the timer for her washing machine. It was the right timer and boy was I evere surprised. From there, Nira stopped at the market and bought some vegetables.

Back home and Father zand I put things back together on the washing machine so the laundry lady could finish the clothes.

We went in search of a house for Father to perhaps buy for or with Lucylyn should she end up back here in the Philippines. Nothing was found that seemed affordable. On the way back to the apt. Alec (not Alex) crashed the tricycle into the wall, nobody hurt, some scratches but that was all.

The afternoon passed without much ado, Father left at 3pm and just after that Nora and I filled out the I-130 forms and gathered the documents that need copies made of them. My appt is at 9am. We will also take the cube to Philips.

The baby is crying, something that really grates on me, but he is only a year old so I suppose that is expected... I don't believe he feels well though.

Enough for now...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Saturday, family all together and I feel like a money changer...

Jan 29, 2011

Jenny, Father and baby denny arrived this morning about 6:30 or 7am. They took a cab from Manila out here, 300p that Nora paid and represented 1/2 of the fare.

They all look good 'cept that baby denny has an allergy so a runny nose and eyes. Other than that, he seems in great spirits and right at seeing me wanted me to pick him up.

Nora and I went into Marilao, she did some shopping for meat and such and then we came back home. Father is investigating the seemingly high electricity usage of our apartment. I hope he finds something that might be causing the high electricity bills.

Alex came to me and again borrowed, this time the sum of 5,000p which he promised to pay back half tomorrow and the remaining 2,500p on Tuesday... Ana is supposed to pay me 5,000p back on Monday. Together, they are into me for 10,000p.

I also gave Nora 2,500p for the remainder of January's budget, a little more than her deserved 2,400p.

The money from RemitHome should arrive this afternoon I hope, I got the email from them this morning.

We might go to a movie tonight, or maybe not, depends on when the money gets here.

Last night Nora had another headache, seemed to be behind her eyes and temples, it could be from a sinus problem or who knows what else could have brought it on... she was restless and didn't go to sleep until well after midnight. Once she settled down, I was able to go to sleep also.

The day is basically open so I don't know just what will transpire, but if anything out of the ordinary happens, I will inform you via this blog... a continuing journal of my journey...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Document from My Writing Nook: Jan 28, 2011

Jan 28, 2011

Not much transpired yesterday afternoon, I picked up Nora at 3:30pm and brought her home. We decided to buy Lorane some anti-biotics for his ankle as the swelling indicates a low grade infection and we know he doesn't have the money to buy the pills even though they are cheap. After watching her Soap Opera, we mananged dinner. We watched some TV, at about 7:30 I went to take a bath then read some of a story on the iPad.

We slept well, it was quiet, no music and no dogs and the air was cool and we were both quite happy... One small cloud was the fact that Nora's sister, Lucilyn, the one we stayed with in Korea, is seeking to leave her husband as he as acquired a girlfriend and they've had trouble for quite awhile now, the complicating factor is now rather than just their son, they have a daughter to consider and Korean law dictates that the man is automatically given custody of the children. I suppose there are exceptions to that, but not being familiar with Korean issues, I cannot say which way this deal will go.

I am considering going to SM mall this day to get more of the I-130 forms so I can fill them out this weekend prior to going to the US Embassy on Monday. I still don't know whether I will have to pay the $340 just for Nora or for all 3 of them. With the K-1 I only had to pay $455 and it included the children also. I will see I suppose. Another question is whether I need to pay with a check drawn from a US bank seeing as how I will be filing from here in the Philippines. If I need a check, I may implore Gareth to get me one and send it to me via courier or LBC courier services... so many questions and they all take time to be answered... no wonder it takes so long to process paperwork here.

Jenny, Father and baby denny will arrive in the morning...

To be continued...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thursday... it is here

Jan 27, 2011

Yesterday finished out quietly, I gave Joyce 1,000p, 870 of which will be used to finance a field trip for her high school class (her portion only). To some marine museum and another place also. The trip is scheduled for Feb 11th.

Nora didn't come to the apt until about 9:40, she had gotten engrossed in a TV show.

The night was busy as there was a birthday party going on in the squatter area and of course the Karaokie machine was going full blast... last I checked the time was 2:30am and they were still wailing. Nothing from the dogs though.. Thank you Lord for that.

It was cool so sleeping was fine.

Today of course is Thursday, I am hoping that Nora will call Philips and Manila Doctors Hospital today, she told me she didn't have a load yesterday, but she had money so that excuse died in the chute. she later admitted she had forgotten. I must go to SM Mall to the internet cafe there and print out some additional copies of the I-130 form as one is needed for each applicant.

Other than that, I don't know of or at least am as yet unaware of anything else that I need to do today.

Libido seems terribly lacking in Nora, it seems to have started a decline shortly after she started treatment at St. Lukes clinic. I hope to address the issue with her in a gentle manner but the thought of being married to someone with that particular element of the relationship waining is not appealing to me and concerns me more than just a little. We shall see what might be done to remedy that situation.

Have a great day...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back on Track and a smile... these are good signs for Kenneth

Jan 26, 2011

Well yesterday's trip to the college was quite positive and we were able to turn Kenneth around and convince him that going to school was in his best interest and the change in his personality was nothing short of remarkable... he is smiling now and back to the happy boy he was before... I think that he just found himself in a corner of despair and didn't know how to get out of it... sometimes that happens to us and it is a lot like trying to go to the corner in a round room... But now it seems that all is much better and direction has been found and a path to follow has emerged... Thank you God for the guidance and help in making this possible.

The remainder of the day was pretty quiet. Nora, off to Manila and me back home here to the apartment. We did stop at Shakeys and ordered a couple of super shakes to go... when they were delivered to us they had used four containers because they didn't have any large ones left... I tell ya, it is amazing sometimes the things they do.

We smiled last night... it is always good to smile. We slept quite good, 'cept that Nora has had a headache for the last day that plagues her still a little this morning. They are not fun and the only good thing about them is when they leave us.

I will go to the internet cafe this morning and set up and print out an appointment for the US Embassy again... this time I will hopefully be able to submit the I-130 form. I will be glad when I finally come to the end of the forms trail.

We decided that Kenneth should leave his cell phone at home when he goes to school as ready access to his friends via cell could be part of what caused the original problem... especially if they are also not enchanted with school and encourage him to leave and 'Hang out'.

Have a great day friends, I will add if there is anything to add...

••• Alex just repaid the 1,000p he borrowed yesterday.... good for him. I went down to 'Pam's internet and after searching forever was able to get to the ACS Appointment scheduling area to schedule another appointment at the US Embassy.  the first time it was rejected as they said I had a pending appointment for 19 Jan which I have already been to.  Finally I got out of the USCIS area altogether and went straight to the ACS Appointment scheduler and was not only able to schedule my appointment, but also scheduled it for 31 Jan as opposed to 7 Feb... The whole system of online government help is really sucky and ambiguous to the point of making one consider suicide as the easier alternative... I hate the government regardless of the country it resides in... So, I shall go at 9am on Monday the 31st of Jan and see if I can submit my I-130 form as I was told I would be able to do...  I don't expect the trip to go without it's associated headaches... nothing is that good here.  Anyhow, I got Nora off and on the way to Manila, I reminded her to call Philips and the Manila Doctors Hospital to make whatever arrangements she could.... From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Monday, January 24, 2011

World War?? no just a bottle fed battle, more common than you imagine.

Jan 25, 2011

Ah, yesterday was a good day all in all, when Nora and I go home from Manila, we found that Alex and a group of the local guys were gathered around the little store next to us at a table and were making serious about emptying a fifth of Brandy... (one of many to follow). They were all in good spirits and the party was in full swing...

We had dinner and watched some TV until later, around 9:30 when the party had moved from in front of our sleeper apartment to the back where the boys were and the warehouse where they live and the cookies are produced is ( a matter of about 25 feet).

Nora and the kids and I were watching a show on TV when all hell broke loose and an fight ensued between a visiting ex-neighbor and one of the squatter guys that lives just up the lane... the fight evidently started just after Sara, the ex's wife came to take him home... We don't know what sparked the altercation but then RePing, Alex's father in law became involved and a lot of cussing and shoving occurred, I stepped in to keep them apart but was soon shuffled aside and the battle continued out into the street in front of our place... Now you need to realize that RePing is just shy of my age and is here more than he is at home with his wife... He is always here when there is any kind of drinking party at all and for the most part is quiet and nice to be around...

The problem is that his courage and loud mouth are normall kept stopped up in a bottle, but once the stopper is removed out comes all the bravado and big mouth... and it is ill applied to the general population... Last night got a little scarry as one of the squatters came to the ensuing battle with a baseball bat and the central character (squatter) went home and got a knife... That adds an element of excitement that I could certainly do without. We, not me but all of the others, managed to separate them and Alex took the ex-neighbor and his wife and kids home and I don't know for sure where RePing and the Squatter guy went...

The rest of the evening was of course devoted to conversation regarding what and how it all came about. Nora and I went to bed shortly thereafter and slept well although I did have occasion to get up once to apply a well placed pebble to the side of a yapping mutt which ended his/her racket for the rest of the night...

Nothing at all planned for today, it shall remain so as near as I can tell, with the small exception of a trip to Kenneth's college to see what has happened that caused him to no longer want to attend...

Have a wonderful day all who read this rambling account of the daily events that compile my day...

Nick if you read this, know that I intend to reply to the wonderful letter that you wrote me and Lollie, yes, I did miss chatting with you yesterday...

Later all

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Colds really do suck... I can't think of anything that hurts less and makes you feel worse...

Jan 24, 2011

Today is Monday, sleep was fleeting that being the fault of the cold and constant irritating coughing spells. Colds always follow the same sequence of events it would seem, discomfort followed by more discomfort and then there is the occasionally distracting discomfort. Mine has just transitioned from the faucet nose to the hacking cough... then will come the production and subsequent elimination of copious amounts of multi colored pghlem... ahhhh 'tis the life I tell ya.

I got all the pictures of the "Box" event sent to Lollie, done during the times I got up last night to get water or release the same.... took 9 emails at 5 per to send them all... I hope she got them.

At 11am today we will leave the house, to go to St. Lukes clinic and also Immigration to pick up my iCard. If I never had to return to Immigration again it would certainly be too soon. I stand corrected, Nora just informed me that we will leave here at noon as opposed to 11am to avoid having to wait for their lunch hour to pass.

I have my passport and wallet and the paper receipt so I should be good to go.

I honestly don't feel too bad, with the exception of my throat... I cannot say it feels particularly good at the moment. I remember before I came here, it had been 3 years since having a cold, but then I lived alone too.

Later, said the 'gator...

••• seems this is an addition to the blog right... well today was the day that Ana was to repay me the 5,000p that she borrowed... now, it seems that she didn't get the money she was counting on so I am waiting yet another week, till next Monday to get the money... That is the problem with lending money here... and of course I don't charge them any interest so it is just money coming later, not really money lost. We went to Immigration and picked up the iCard with virtually no problems at all, it is good for one year and then I can convert it to a permanent iCard.  I am on what is termed as probationary... why I don't know, but that is what it is.

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunday the day after our belated Christmas box made it's appearance...

Jan 23, 2011

Took some medicine for the new cold I have acquired and then went to bed at 9:30pm. Nora was still next door watching some video or TV with the children... I have no idea when she came in.

The two tablets I took, which she says is for nasal drip, seemed to knock me out or else I was just really tired I don't know which.

The arrival of the box was such a total success, I've never seen the happiness in children's eyes like last night when I handed out the gifts that Lollie and Gareth provided thru their unending generosity. Again Sister and bro, thanks from the bottom of our hearts, you made Christmas this year for sure.

Nothing special that I am aware of is planned for the day, Nora may or may not go to church today, I am not going with this runny nose and sore throat. The laundry lady is already doing the laundry and will be for much of the day. It is a small price for me to pay her considering that it saves Nora having such discomfort in her hips and legs from squatting all day scrubbing clothes.

I'm not certain how I got this cold, but Kenneth and Joyce have both been sneezing and hacking so I am pretty sure they brought it home from school and also Alex has had a cold for the last week so that is a probable source.

We discovered another slew of the little red ants on the wall in the living room and I started to spray then Nora stopped me and said to do it tomorrow when the children can be away from it for awhile. Not a bad idea... part of the reason there are ants in the house is that eating is something done almost all the time, either chips or some sweet thing. I am still amazed at the sweettooth that is demonstrated by the majority of the Philippines people, and Chocolate seems a huge favorite.

Anyway, I am about done writing this journal for now it is only 8:14 AM. on Sunday morning here.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Saturday... date afternoon/night... hope it goes perfectly... I will try hard to make it so...

Jan 22, 2011

Last night.. it really rained, the storm that started eary in the evening continued and dumped rain... our little sleeper apt has roof leaks, over the sink and near where the head of the bed sat... we had to push the bed forward a couple feet to avoid the rain dripping on the upper mattress and soaking it... I will ask Alex today about hiring someone to fix the roof leaks...

I was up at 7am in preperation of leaving at 7:30 for the Shell, but no Alex as yet... it is now 7:45 AM.

Nora is up and sweeping the floor in the big apt and I am here updating the journal... she wants to go to the market in Marilao this morning and get some meat and other things for the food supply...

We slept fairly well although I have slept better. The evening was pretty quiet, Kenneth and Joyce had a minor altercation regarding the use of Nora's iPhone and Kenneth bullied Joyce and took it from her. It cost him 2 days usage of the iPhone... I told him I don't appreciatet that type of actions and would not allow him to use the phone as punishment.

Not too sure when Alex might make an appearance so we are more or less in limbo at the moment. Dependability here is an iffy proposition at best. Priorities in the Philippines regarding commitments seems to be ultra flexible, not so in America... it is a learning experience to be sure. But I am not changing the way I do business, my priorities in life remain solid and concrete.

Today is the next installment of Nora's weekly budget amounts, but she has not asked so I haven't volunteered any money to her... I am pretty certain that she will ask though.

I will update depending...

••• Well, while at the SM Mall, and during the movie, we got the Text'd message from the kids... the "Box" had arrived... ahhhh the anticipation was wonderful...  And I cannot say nor can I express the happiness in the eyes of all of us with the wonderful things that we received from my Sister and her Husband Gareth... they did a fantastic job of shopping and Oh, the music player, what a work of art... but the Slingshot capped the day for me... that sucker is good !!!  Thank you Bro and Sis... you've definetly cemented your stall in the heavenly stables of our good Savior...

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Merry Friday and Happy weekend to all...

Jan 21, 2011

Friday, what a great name for the last day of the week... well I consider it the last day although if you look at the week in biblical terms then Sunday would be the great finale... but as a prior working stiff, I consider Friday the end of the toil of the work week... holding the weekend separate and most reverent... Only my humble opinion I assure you...

We slept good last night, after the community visitation that was happening right ouside our door finally died down. Amazing that we sleep only 10 feet from the local meeting area of what at times seems to be the major populace of the Philippines... Gosh it gets busy and noisy at times...

Nora could not reach Immigration about the iCard yesterday so she will attempt to call them again today... I would like to get the card, but it seems to be taking an eternity for them to produce it...

Tomorrow we will go to SM Mall and mess around awhile, take in a movie and then eat and perhaps come back home before night time arrives...

Nora told me yesterday that Jenny had told Father that she doesn't think that I like her... I explained to Nora that I love Jenny, it is the things that she does and the way she at times acts that I don't like... there is a major difference between loving someone and not loving some things that they may do. I think that Nora understands that now... it is like I told her that I love my Grandson, but I don't want to raise him or have he and his mommy live in my house with us... my wish for her is independence and a place of her own where she can raise her child in safety and comfort rather than impose herself and child on my life and home where I already have a family to raise... I hope that doesn't come across as being crass or stingy.

It takes being on one's own to hasten maturity and develope skills that are needed to survive in this world, I don't want to assume the roll of welfare daddy to Jenny, I want to be there to help and guide her in her quest to live in the States... close to us of course, but not with us.

Anyway, that is my take on the matter, if you have opinions or thoughts, please feel free to express them at will... I will answer all questions and venture opinions when they are asked of me.

Love life, Love yourself and Love others... Today is the continuation of the beginning and as such remains the beginning of the eventual end.

Take care everyone... smile, you are on lifes camera.

••• Well, Nora was really late today, I went to wait for her at the bus stop about 3:20, figuring that she would be there about the time I got there, waited an hour and no Nora... Came back to the apartments and Kenneth said she Text'd him for me to come get her, but by that time the motor was gone again... she came home a little after 5Pm in a tri-cab... She had gone to Immigration about 1pm and waited then about 2:30 she left there, went to St. Lukes clinic and then back to Immigration as the card was ready to issue... she went to get the card and found that she hadn't brought any ID to prove she was my wife so she will or we will get it Monday... At least it's done... Thank God Had a great dinner and there is a rolling thunder/lightning storm passing thru the Marilao area right at the moment... don't know how long it will last but it is dropping some rain and has cooled the temps down so that is good... Alex and I will got to the Shell station about 7:30am tomorrow... he is to repay me then, the 2,000p he borrowed today...

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cool and cloudy, but pleasant weather greets this Thursday...

Jan 20, 2011

Thursday morning.... the time now is 7:57 AM and I just got out of the bath and am setting in the big apt. writing in this journal... such seems my routine... after a bit, breakfast whatever it ends up being, will be served. Kenneth is engrossed as usual in Nora's iPhone and Facebook... Sad it is to me that Facebook seems the only social outlet he and Joyce have... They don't do anything sociallly with friends or even neighbors... stay in the house and surf facebook or watch TV... There is a dramatic change coming to their existance if I have anything to do with it. And it will be for the better too.

Nora will once again call Immigration and see if my iCard is by chance ready to be picked up yet... I hope so.

Today should be very easy, nothing at all is planned...

Nora and I slept very well, no dogs or any boys singing or fighting over girls, just cool and quiet...

I ordered the money for February yesterday, they will process the payment to me on the 25th of this month.

Joyce left for school already as she is supposed to be there at 7:30 this morning.

Yesterday Alex payed me back the 2,000p that he borrowed so now I just wait till the 24th for the 5,000p from his wife Ana.

See ya...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hump day and a good day at Immigration... thank you God for all you do...

Jan 19, 2011

We slept wonderfully last night... This morning, we got up at 6am and I immediately took my bucket bath and Nora prepared coffee for us, I then went to the big apt. and took my medicine and then back to the sleeper room to make sure I had my passport and other documents that I would need at the US Embassy.

We left here a little after 7am and were at the US Embassy about 8:35am and my appt was at 8:45. Got in and only had to wait about 10 minutes to see the clerk and then thru our conversation found out that I can submit the I-130 right there as long as I prove that I've been living here with Nora as man and wife... Father will bring the documents of the property sale and Uncle Edwin will supply a letter verifying that I've paid rent here since June of 2010. I actually got to speak to a really nice American at the window in immigration and he assured me that with the submission of those two documents I will be allowed to file the I-130 right here in Manila which potentially will save me about 6-8 months of waiting time.

After we got home, I called Lollie and got some really good talk time with her and so did Nora, about 30-40 minutes of good talk time.

It has been a really good day so far and I hope it continues this way.

••• Nothing too unusual after we got home, we had some laughs and watched some TV shows and then Nora cooked some chicken and also pork for dinner which was accompanied by the everpresent rice, but that was complimented by some baby peas in the shell and minature corn cobs, you know what I mean... Nothing too interesting now, I've had my bath and it is now 7:33 PM and I expect that Nora will appear about 8pm or so...  It has been a really good day, one of the best in the last couple of weeks I would have to say. This weekend, I plan to fill out the I-130 form and perhaps work on the I-129F also.

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuesday...sometimes, just sometimes I wish time would fly...

Jan 18, 2011

Wow, the party for Loran's birthday was long and loud, the singing went on forever it seemed and then there was the fight between a couple of the filipina men over some girl... nothing to blows, but a lot of loud arguing etc... the alcohol makes such heros of people it amazes me sometimes... probably why I don't like to drink that much. I am a happy drunk I guess. Just fall asleep and not bother anyone.

We finally were able to get to sleep about 12pm or so. Nora is by nature very curious and made several trips to the window or to peer out the door to see what was going on... I stayed mostly in bed as sticking your head outside is not always prudent.

Lollie, thanks for the update on the box, I thought that the estimate of the time of arrival was awfully fast, considering the holidays and all. Next week certainly sounds more in line with what I would have thought.

Nothing special is planned for today as I know it. Nora will go to Manila of course but outside that there is nothing that I need to or really can do... Yesterday she called immigration and they tell her that they are waiting for another signature... I thought we had all that stuff done, but the Philippines has a complex and not necessarily well organized method to their madness. Wait and wait and WaIt some more I guess. The longer the processes draw out, the less chance that Nora will be able to come with me when I leave here... there will likely be a lapse of a couple months.

Anyway, as perplexing as it is, I have no control in the matter so I find myself at the mercy of the Philippines governmental machines...

Have a good day... Nora is playing her games...on the iPhone.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monday, dreary but new and a fresh week to spoll to our delight...

Jan 17, 2011

Sleep was good, the wind was blowing all afternoon and really picked up over the evening.

We actually had a mixed bag of emotions yesterday, we were both out of sorts, and upon reviewing, we couldn't place our fingers on why or what might have caused the feelings... it did, however put a cast over the afternoon at SM and neither of us went out of our way to be overly nice to the other. We examined the day while laying in bed but could not really acertain the cause of the "Blue" day. We all have different moods that strike us from time to time and often those remain a mysterys regarding their causes. Nora said nothing was wrong, but my imagination tends to go nuts when I don't have a concrete reason for anything... so go figure... This morning, all is well again so that is good..

We are going on the virgin experience regarding the new toaster that I bought for her yesterday at the mall, I admit that I really don't like bread fried in oil as a substitute for toast. We don't have butter or any Jelly so are using cheese spread (yuk) as a topping for the toast.

I am going to the hardware store this morning sometime and see what I can conjur up as a retaining device for the new TV instead of the 3 blocks of wood I nailed to the cabinet. I have an idea, just need to see if the materials are available... nothing complex, just something a little more refined than the wood blocks.

Well, perhaps the box from Lollie and Gareth will arrive today, it is by their dates overdue at this time, but I expect that it could arrive at any time now. That will be an exciting time for this family for sure, as there were no actual "presents" given at christmas time. Seems a good way to start the christmas tradition in America... start with nothing then keep control and avoid the extravaganza that Americans have come to expect over that most wonderful of all holidays.

Nora will call immigration today again and see if the iCard might yet be ready for me to pick up... I hope it is.

Well daylight is revealing an overcast sky and only time will tell what the day will turn into...

Have a wonderful day, and a good time if you can...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sunday, again the Mall and maybe I remember my card...

Jan 16,2011

The trip to the SM Mall was a success even though Kenneth was not there. The movie, Gullivers Travels with Jack Black was really a rip, funny even for a remake. We also saw some previews of upcoming movies that include "The Tourist" and a couple of animated films that I would enjoy... Nora told me last night, after we went to bed that she does not like animated movies, but considering that the last movie she had seen was over 20 years ago, she may be in for a treat. It only costs 105p to go to the movie, very affordable.

We got a couple things to eat at the theater, they allow you to bring most foods into the theater, but there are some exclusions... they actually put much more emphasis on making sure you don't bring a video camera into the theater... video piracy is rampant here in the Philippines... sadly, the quality of such pirated Films is marginal to poor. The hamburger was Ok, but I was glad that it was dark in the theater when I ate it...

We finished up at the theater, then had to go back to the National book store for some more supplies for Joyce and to get some double sided tape for a neighbor girl. We got home last night about 7:30pm.

Sleep was good and we awoke refreshed... the first thing Nora asked me was if baby denny and Jenny could come back early... I didn't answer her... I want them to stay there the time I said, until the 4th of Feb.

I really flubbed up, I forgot to take my credit card to the mall so was unable to purchase the DVD player, we will go back today and get it... Nora wants me to buy her a bread toaster too but we will have to see just how much they are. I am deciding now if it is better for me to buy with the card then pay it off or to spend the peso's I already have in my possession... I think I will pay using the card as there is no interest charge and I can pay it off with 1$=1$ rather than have a penalty attached.

I will have to speak to Kenneth regarding the usage of both his phone and also Nora's iPhone. He becomes obsessed with it and ignores requests to do other things... I know he probably doesn't realize the extent to which he becomes engrossed in the phone, but we as parents see it quite clearly...

Anyway, the day comes, it is now just shy of 8am and I want to leave for the mall no later than 10:00am... I want to go there and get done what shopping we need to do and return home.

Well, enough for now... Have a great day everyone !!!

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Saturday, a day of fun I hope, the children should enjoy it I think...

Jan 15, 2011

We slept pretty good, smiles on our faces and dreams yet to be had. The dogs barked pretty good, but I reminded them that there is a price to be paid if they make too much rukus...

Today is Saturday, we have a number of things planned for the day, first off, Nora and I will go to Marilao market where she will do some shopping and then, after we get back home and all put away, she will bathe and dress and then we will leave about 1 or 2pm for SM Mall where she will get a hair treatment at a salon and then we will meet up with the kids to go to some movie and dinner afterwards. I am in high expectations of a nice day.

I gave Nora 5,500p as her weekly budget, she will return to me 200p as her budget is now 5,300 what with paying rent for the apartment again..(though it is prepaid by me, she will pay me back thru the reduction of her weekly budget. Gotta keep the money straight or we won't have any).

We got to the market, I waited at Dunkin donuts for her to finish then we got a ride back to the province and home. Kenneth didn't bother to fix any breakfast for he and Joyce... sometimes, he is the epitomie of laziness. Not an uncommon trait in Philippines men.

I told Nora we would leave for the mall between 1:30 and 2 this afternoon.

I will probably have more to say later, but then again, I might save it for tomorrow morning's posting.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Friday again... tomorrow is entertainment day for the whole family...

Jan 14, 2011

The "Box" today being it's projected arrival date has sparked the interest of Nora to a high degree... I told her this morning after we woke up, that if the box came during the day that she would have to wait to open it until all of us were present, Kenneth, Joyce Herself and I. She let out a wail of Nooooooooooooooo... but I insisted, it is a christmas box, not a personal present to her... She is as excited as a little child on Christmas morning...

Slept good with the exception of the stupid dogs outside that seem inclined to bark at molecules of air, waving grass and any myraid of other things unseen by the human eye... the slingshot that Rnan made me though inferior, still proves capable of moving them whence I get them in my sights. My new slingshot will prove much more deadly a weapon I am sure.

Friday, it seems I have spent so many of them here, they just keep rolling on by... I still don't have my iCard, though it should be ready almost any day now...

Tomorrow we will go to the SM Mall where Nora will get her hair treatment and we will look at DVD players and then later take in a movie and have dinner afterwards... it will cost a little money, but the family will have a good time and that is most important.

We shall see how the day unfolds, it is ever a wonder to me the things that can come up in the period from sunrise to sunset...

Bless you all.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Behavorial modifications take time and continued effort... but the reward is GREAT !!

Jan 13, 2011

Tempers are things that should be locked away in a box and the key tossed in the ocean... I often find that mine wants to get away from me and though it does not last long at all, it is strong while it is in force. Last night after going to bed we were playing a little and I got pinched and it really hurt a lot and my temper came to the surface and I acted poorly to Nora. I could see something in her eyes that really bothered me, I think she felt some degree of fear and that is the very last thing that I ever want her to feel about me. My very next project is to tame this temper thing and practice what I preach so often to others and that is to count to 10 before reacting. It was a cool evening, and I am not referring to the weather either.

This morning things are on the mend, but still I will never act like that to her again, the look in her eyes left no doubt in my mind that this was not appropriate behavior on my behalf and that it is something that cannot be allowed to happen again...I have always known that I had a temper and it comes on quickly and goes away just as fast but not before leaving its mark.

I am giving Nora Auntie's advance rent money this morning so that she can deposit it in the account for them today. It is in the amount of 8,000p and will pay us thru the month of June.

Nothing special for today, last night I asked Kenneth to stop at the Mall after school and see what the movie schedules are for Saturday afternoon... we will go early to the Mall as Nora wants to have a hot oil treatment done on her hair, it only takes a 1/2 hour and the cost is minimal at 100p.

We will then go to the movie and after that have dinner and then return home for the evening.

Lollie, I enjoyed playing the Uno game with you, don't know who the other person was who jumped in the game, but I would like to find out how to choose who is in our games rather than make them open to anyone. I haven't researched that as of yet, but maybe you also could look into it and between Gareth and you playing each other online you will be able to see how it works.

Last night, the dogs were barking about something, I don't know what but my little home made slingshot seemed to make them decide to move to a less volitable area... the New one should allow me more accuracy I hope and I want to buy some cheap marbles as ammo.

Anyway today is another start that allows me to hopefully put sauve on the wounds of yesterday and build mental barriers against any more surfacing today.. life is a challenge, learning another person is challenging and I've been challenged... I will respond in a positive manner and will purge myself of those things that are counter to what I want to become...

Perhaps more will dribble from the quill later.. we shall see.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hump day... Gosh I have seen plent of those since coming here...

Jan 12, 2011

Ah... fresh coffee and little kids playing not 10 feet from the open window next to your bed... what more, I ask you, could a middle aged country displaced man ask for in life??

Yesterday evening proved to mostly be quiet, after explaining to my wife that all of my earthly posessions are not hers, but rather shared items acquired over my lifetime and that they would only become 'Hers' upon my death... she likes the thought of 'Having' things that are hers, we all do I suppose... but lurking in the back of my thought machine are the wonderments of just how materialistic the basic human being really is... even without concious intent we are.

She understands, perhaps better now that I have designed my will to convey to her all that which I have toiled so diligently to acquire... I often wish that I had bought that little log cabin and lived the life of a simple unencumbered man... but then I would not be the person I am today and I most certainly would not have the lovely Nora as my betroved... I would not trade anything for what I have now.

Today is the 21st day since the approval of my change of status with the Dept of Immigration... they told Nora that it takes 3 weeks to get the iCard so anytime now would seem to fit the criteria...

Yesterday I went to the local internet cafe so that I could print out my appointment sheet for the US Embassy on the 19th... my appt is at 8:45am. I am not certain that they will help me as my questions lie in the processing of the I-130 form and my already approved K-1 visa package... they might send me elsewhere to get my answers... what I am hoping is that the process of getting the K-1 package approved will have already satisfied some of the requirements of the I-130 package... probably a stretch of luck I won't get though.

The box from over the pond should arrive at some time this week along with the money from RemitHome to prepay the remainder of the rent on the big apt.

Sleep was good, cool at night which makes for a more enjoyable eveniings repose.

Take care all and we will continue later.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tuesday today, the 2nd week of 2011... just another beautiful day !!

Jan 11, 2011

Last night we watched TV and I went to the other apartment about 9:pm and Nora came shortly after. We played "Words with Friends" for a little bit and then went to sleep, it was a quiet night with the exception of one dog and my sling shot (that Rnan made). Those dogs manage to think that the front of the apartment is the best area from which to voice their warnings... also makes a close target form the sling shot heh heh heh...

We got up at 6:45am, Joyce has school at 7:30 this morning... Nora borrowed 50p from me for Joyce. She, or rather I will get it back tonight or so she says... it is almost a game, the manangement of funds over here.

Nora told me yesterday that Father wants to come to Marilao under the pretense of investigating our mysterious power usage even when the main circuit breaker is off situation. I will have to pay for his trip, another 1,000p by the time it's over. Jenny and he and the baby will all come at the same time on Feb 4th. Nora has not told him the date yet, but will today just to make sure he can come at that time.

I looked over the I-130 form yesterday and it doesn't look too bad, I need to check though as I thought I read that it needed to be filled out online as opposed to paper which doesn't make any sense to me considering that it needs to be mailed unless they want you to fill it out online then printout the finished form...

Nora will check or at least try to check with Immigration about my iCard today, yesterday she could not get thru by phone. I hope that it is ready soon so I can proceed with the I-130.

I gave Nora 200p to purchase a ham (her choice of which) as yesterday she told me there are many on sale in the market after the holiday season is over...

Enough for now, we shall see how the day shakes out...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New week, new day, new developments (but I don't know what they are yet...)

Jan 10, 2011

The afternoon and evening was OK, Nora slumped again thinking about the baby and tried to convince me to bring them back earlier and I told her no, that they would come back the first week in February just as we agreed too. I know she misses him but there is a lesson to be taught to Jenny also in this.

The night proved better, we slept pretty good but I did get an audacious case of gas from the cake that I hogged down 3 pieces of... my gosh, I don't like cake that well either but what with the limited diet I have here I think overeating it was an act of desperation by my stomach... in any case, it was of great concern to Nora who flapped the covers most of the night... I did giggle some.

Monday starts yet another week of DOT for her and one less that we have to do... She will check on the status of the issuing of my iCard, one of the girls at the counter told Nora it takes about 3 weeks to process the card itself.

I have to get started on the I-130 stuff, I will look at the application I have in my little briefcase and see, as I remember, the last time I looked at it that there really isn't too much to it. I hope that remains true.

Lollie, I know you put UNO on your phone... did you get it installed on Gaeth's phone too? if so have you played the game against him yet??...

I told Nora that you and I chat over YM, me from my iPhone and you on your iMac. I think we could do the same thing if you had a PC and were running YM on it... that is how we will connect to Jenny from the US, it is cheap and usually a pretty good connection too.

Anyhow, looks as though this days journal is off to a good start.. I will add more perhaps as the day unwinds.

••• Ana just came to me asking to borrow 5,000p for two weeks.  I told Nora and we agreed to loan it to her if she promises to repay on Jan 24th.

Take care all and enjoy the beginning of a new week.

From denny's iPad... (my demented mind)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to the old man... 67 years (24,455 days) old... dammit !!!

Jan 09, 2011

Well, sleep was great after an evening of watching our new Toshiba 32" TV. I sure wish we had cable TV though. But the improvement over the old analogue and ancient TV that we were suffering thru is totally dramatic... It will be nice when we leave to take it home with us also. Great savings, almost 10,000p.

Today is my 67th year on the planet... I sincerely hope to add an additional 30 birthdays to that total, barring any unforseen circumstances or accidents. I am feeling good, and am in good health I think. Nora helps by making sure I am taken care of.

Today we will go to the 9am mass at the Divine Church. I sit thru the service but never understand it as it is in Tagalog. but as do the catholics, stand, sit, kneel, stand sit kneel...etc... I thank God though for all I have and have endured and pray that he will bless our family and families both near and far from us... and on this day, my special day, I put forth blessings and prayers for all people on this earth that peace and harmony shall come to them and that they love each other and be good to each other.

Thank you all who extended birthday wishes to me, I appreciate your thoughts and return the same good feelings to you.

It has rained here, and is lightly raining now. This is the first rain that has fallen in Marilao since before we left for Basud... helps to settle the dust which is always a big problem here.

Bye for now, enjoy your day.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Saturday, medicine taken, SM waits... and it's pretty outside.

Jan 08, 2011

The remainder of yesterday was not to exciting so I didn't bother to pen anything to the journal... we had a good dinner and went to bed at a reasonable time... we chatted a bit and then went to sleep. This morning was a nice morning, we both woke smiling and happy and glad to be alive. I put a smile on her face too... she had a dream that I bought a new nice maroon colored car and wouldn't give her a ride, but her sister Lyn was with me??? weird stuff that dreams are made of.

We will be going to the SM mall, the first time since we've been back in Marilao. We need to get some medicine for Nora's hands and we want to look at some TV sets also. I also hope to find a replacement clock movement for the wall clock. I cannot believe that it only worked for about a month and a half... talk about cheap.

The lady that Nora hired to do the laundry is here and we have her set up so that will be taken care of and we won't have to worry about it for another week... the weather looks good so it should all dry before the day is up.

I am going to pay Auntie Linda 8,000p for the rent of the big apt. that will pay us thru the end of June.

I am posting this now and will perhaps append to it later, after we return from the Mall... Have a wonderfully great day...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thursday ramblings... the weekend is creeping in now...

Jan 06, 2011

Nora told me last night that the reason she was so quiet was that she is terribly homesick for baby denny... she fully realizes that once we leave here for the States, she probably won't see him again for 2 years at least... We talked about it and why we sent Jenny to Basud and I decided for Nora's sake to let Jenny and baby denny come back here on Feb 4th as opposed to the 3 months I planned on her staying in Basud. Nora was very happy about that. We talked of some of the side effects that she is experiencing due to the meds she takes, one of which was of great interest to me which involved the lack of libido that has beset her.

We slept very nicely, the cool weather of evening was wonderful... we woke this morning at 7:00am, I immediately took my bath and Nora proceded to make coffee. We then had fried egg and ham sandwich for breakfast and after that the kiddies started coming to celebrate the 12th day of Christmas or their normal christmas as opposed to what we do in the States...

We just had lunch, fried spam and rice and pork and beans... my gosh a gourmet meal... how wonderful. Kenneth and I will go tomorrow to get haircuts as the shops are closed today in celebration of the christmas holiday. Nora is taking her bath now to get ready to go to St. Lukes clinic. Thankfully tomorrow is the last day of that this week.

I finally got Lollie to download UNO so maybe we can try to play that game together online... BTW sister, Nora's user name on UNO is nora1971 if you want to make her your friend...

Have a great day everyone...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

A slow depressing Wednesday... I hope tomorrow is better

Jan 05, 2011

We slept pretty good, the weather was cooler and that makes sleeping nice. Nora seemed distant last night, I think it is missing of Jenny and the baby.

Got a correspondance from RemitHome, the money is on the way so that it good to know, unfortunately the exchange rate is lower than I would like it to be. You never get the rate that is quoted by the major indices, it is always at least a point lower. Still the convenience of having it home delivered is nice.

Not sure about what today might produce so will let you go for now.

The morning was nothing special, Nora still in the dumps over the baby being gone, she did ask me to spray for ants while she was gone which I did, both places... I believe it is only a slight deterrent though. I took her to the bus stop then returned here... chatted a bit with Alex, penned a letter to LinnCo about my account locking me out and one to Maria telling her to send my meds and another to Claudine of Thrifty Tax service notifying her of the letter that will arrive from Gareth and my marriage to Nora and the additional dependents of Kenneth Joyce and Jenny.

Nora Text'd for me to pick her up about 3:15 which I did. She had gotten some stuff from Manila but mostly snacks. There were some people that showed up here performing and entertaining us for a handout... Nora gave the fireeaters 100p which I thought pretty generous.

The guy from RemitHome came about 5:30pm, got my money and tipped him the usual 100p for the trip.

We had dinner about 7pm and Nora is there now with the kids... she hasn't been too close to me since we got back without baby being here... I know she is sad about it but I hope she gets over it soon, she asked me if they could come back when the package gets here from Lolly and Gareth, but I am thinking the end of January or maybe mid February... we will see how that plays.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back home we are after the ride home on the dragon coach... Jezzzzz it was bad...

Jan 04, 2011

We arrived in Marilao at about 7am after a totally grueling 9 hour torture ride on the '319' bus from hell... I don't know if they even have such a conveyance in hell, but if they do, I'd not be surprised... this was I think a little older bus, the first thing that got me thinking about it was after we took off from the terminal, the driver hadn't gone a 1/2 mile and had to return to the terminal as there was a short in some wiring and evidently it showed up on his dash gauges... after about 1/2 hour of trouble shooting, some guy wrapped a wire with copious amounts of electrical tape and away we went...

As I remember from my driving days, passenger buses, especially for about the last 25 or thirty years have employed what is known as an airbag suspension system to cushion the ride the passengers experience... this bus, either failed the inspection and escaped the factory, or the air bags are blown and don't hold air, or the supply lines for the air are compromised or (lastly I hope) perhaps the air compressor that supplies the air was non-functional... What I think I might have seen on the chassis had I looked, would be the rear axels bolted directly to the undercarriage of the bus, sans any intervening suspension softening devices of any nature whatsoever... for Nine grueling hours we felt ever pebble, grain of sand and overly inflated air bubble that we transversed over. Bone jarring would be a galactic understatement when describing the sensation. Oh, did I forget to mention the absolutely sterling conditions of the roads in general in the Philippines??? shame on me... cattle trails are smoother.

Anyhow, we managed somehow and then finally arrived at the apartment about 7am as I said earlier. (Just from the curiosity side of my nature, I had Nora measure my height.. 5'6"... I fully expect to grow another 8" once my spinal colum decompresses itself. 'Tis my dearest hope that this was my last ride on such a vehicle...

We cleaned the apartments and Kenneth completely scrubbed and sanitized the referigerator and Joyce and I mopped with bleach water the floors after excavating the dust that had accumulated over the 12 days of our absence.

In the sleeper room bathroom, I found that rust had completely dominated the rubber water bucket and the new shower hose/fixture I had installed... looked like a pregnant earthworm of the rust color had cralled from the shower handset and meandered down the flexible chrome water hose... I had to take it apart and as best as I could eradicate the rust...the stain seems to stay forever and I'd have given some cash for a jug of CLR to soak it in... but it is now functional so that is good...

The money has not arrived from RemitHome yet, but I had a stash here and gaver her 5,500p for the first week in Jan budget... I will just take it back when the money arrives this week.

Nora tells me that Auntie Linda is in a cash flow circumstance again and wants an advance on the rent... I am going to offer to pay her thru the end of June, but at a discounted rent... if you play, you must play by my rules... instead of giving her 1,500p a month for rent, I will offer her a lump sum based on a rental rate of 1,300p per month... I save money and she gets a lump sum. Seems a good deal to me and that is how I handled the rental of the sleeper apartment too and there has been no issues there.

Nora left about 12:20 for St. Lukes clinic and then to shop at the supermarket... she will be home later than usual, but there is a lot go get as we ran everything low not wanting any spoilage to occur during our absence. I took down the kid gate that I had put in the front door to keep baby denny from escaping... but he is proving to be quite the little monkey so we may need to put some barbed wire on the top...

Later my friends, I just finished cleaning the fan in our sleeper room so I may drift off to a gentle snooze...

Sister, it was wonderful chatting with you this morning, Nora loved it also. I will probably call you again tomorrow morning when I get up...

Love and all that mushy stuff... Miss ya all and hope you are enjoying the continued blogs...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Document from My Writing Nook: Jan 02, 2011

Jan 02, 2011

Well, the evening went quietly, we never did leave the house and spent the majority of the evening either watching TV or in my case, reading stories on the iPad...

We slept quite well, my back being the exception, well it slept also but fitfully and constantly rebelling against the surface upon which it layed. I miss my bed at home... a lot !!!

Today, we are supposed to go into Daet again, to the HotPot internet connection and then Nora wants to walk around a little in Daet as this is likely the last time she will be there for a few years at least. It is also a traumatic day for her as it is the last that we will see of Jenny and baby denny for some months to come. They will stay here in Basud with Father and join us again in Marilao for a while before we leave for the States.

I am excited and apprehensive about the I-130 process and how quickly it may be processed and any pitfalls that may await us in the process. Nothing is as it appears, or at least it appears that way to me, there always seems something 'else' that needs to be accomplished in the process at hand. One of the things that I most appreciate about my home is the lack of bugs inside it... I always thought I had more than I wanted until my time spent here in the Philippines and I've come to realize that in my home there may actually exist a shortage of bugs... I will look into that issue though.

Tonight, we board the bus around 9:30 and head North to Manila and from there Marilao and the home that I have known since last August. I have done a lot of reading, primarily by the author 'Jack London'. His is a different style and of a strongly English influence to the wording and composure. He does cover a wide range of topics but the areas that are fondest to him are in the Sonora, Ca. area...

I may add to this edition later, depending on how the day goes and what transpires thruout.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Document from My Writing Nook: Jan 01, 2011

Jan 01, 2011

First day of 2011. This will be a year to remember I am certain of that. We slept well last night, didn't get to bed till about 1am and then slept until after 9am this morning.

Kenneth fried some of the ham we bought and I had a couple of pieces of bread with some jam that Nora had gotten at the store. The day was mostly spent reading and watching some TV movies on MAX. The taste here in this household tends to run towards the horror venue which I like anyway... most are in English and that makes it good for me.... I did get a chance to see a Philippines edition of a horror movie and it is archaic to say the least.

Nothing happened today to speak of, nobody visited, it was just a day of recuperation from the festivities of New Years Eve I guess. Many fire crackers and explosions of all kinds rocked my boat of peaceful existance... It bothers me when they are of close proximity to me, takes me back some 40 years to VietNam and that was never a good time. Explosions meant somebody died or lots of somebodies. A time better forgotten and left to lie in the spiderwebs of my memory.

I will write tomorrow morning...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Document from My Writing Nook: Dec 31, 2010

Dec 31, 2010

New Years Eve... another year has managed to crawl thru my existance and leave with me experiences that I would have never guessed to have. Love has blossomed, Marriage occurred and vast travel. It's been a good year, not one I would have elected to do had not my heart lead me here. Often times, the trips we make are not of a logical nature but rather a emotional commitment we make thru lived circumstance. I am happy so far, but I also have far to go to reach the culmination of this complicated journey... I have a good woman at my side and children to raise once again... it is different as the cross cultural differences make life challenging, patience is paramount and understanding comes at a price...

We had a good evening last night, we were close and happy and tired. The rain lulled us to sleep, we had one minor brown out but mostly everything was quiet and peaceful... At this time I praise God for all that I have experienced and especially for the fact that the neighbor dog has been moved to their new home, behind ours and adjacent to the rice field... no longer must we listen to him bark at fleas and air bubbles and moving leaves and every other thing he can imagine... his incessant barking has often brought the thoughts of canine murder foremost in my mind. The dreams of throttling that dog has often brought a smile to my face and now, and only now, that thought has perished from my mind... Thank you God, from me, and the dog...

Today will be spent preparing a celebratory meal to say goodbye to the old year and hearald in the new one... we all have hopes for a wonderful 2011 and I pass those on to each of you who might take a moment to read this crazy and zany journal that is a mirror of the life I live here... May God bless you, each and every one and may all your dreams, real or imagined come true this next year.

Nora is in process of finishing up some laundry this morning, she had started it yesterday prior to us going to Daet and worked a little on it after we returned home... I am hoping to convince these children that there is no need to change clothing 3 times a day after we get to the States, the weather is so mild that they won't have to deal with the dampness that is humidity created.

I will write more if something of interest happens later... we will probably have some breakfast soon, it is now 8:30 AM .

The typically familiar toasted egg and slice of mystery meat sandwich sufficed for breakfast, fried/cooked by Kenneth as usual. God will they be amazed when in the States... Flies and more flies... they are driven inside by the incessant rainfall. Everywhere you turn there are flies, by the thousands in the house, on the bed, the walls, the ceilings, on the food, the table, the cooking surfaces... everywhere you look they are and they are bold, not timid... Of all Gods creatures, what purpose serves the fly?? I know not. Nothing remains untouched by them... Hate them? of course, but there are so many.

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Document from My Writing Nook: Dec 29, 2010

Dec 29, 2010

Quiet evening, had fun playing with the baby and the rain... my gosh, you wouldn't believe the quantity of rain we've had... never ending, only changing in it's intensity... Monsoon storms... but this is the equator and as such, we are subject to that weather pattern. Everything, roads, fields, yards are flooded with a running river of brown water... An experience that viewed from the relative safety of a cement home on a raised foundation is enjoyable... can't go outside, well I suppose you could but the question nags me... why !!

We slept as though in a coma last night, the constant rain and the sound of it hitting the roof was immensly soothing even though we slept on a narrow slab of a bed with a well worn 4" foam pad...

We went to bed about 8pm, I don't know why, probably because there was little else to do.. Nora tells me we went to sleep about 10 after chatting and her having a chance to tell me that my looking at other girls really bothers her. A side of her newly revealed and a lesson learned... stealth mode !!! one must not be quite so obvious in the observance of the plentiful Pinay beauty that abounds here in this land of water. But I will quit, only because it bothers her and she is insulted by it. Perhaps my admiration of the beauty is not something she appreciates outside of her own aura. Anyway suffice it to say a lesson learned.

We have no plans to leave the house today, it is not a reasonable thing to be out in this type of weather unless one has no choice in the matter. There seems an abundance of pirated DVD's here that we can watch so that is probably going to be the routine we follow today. Kenneth is preparing an egg sandwich for me for breakfast as I have already had my breakfast coffee.

I had Joyce do the dishes yesterday afternoon, those were from the morning meal and then had Angel, Lalaine's oldest daughter do the dishes after the evening meal... I see no reason for Nora to do dishes while we are here considering all the available youth that can step up and take care of those chores. It teaches them responsibility along with the valuable lesson of knowing that there is no such thing as a free ride or free lunch... we all have to contribute to the existance of the whole...

Later I will add, if more happens... now I will watch the movie...

The movie was a horror film and not too bad, sort of a knock off of the 'Saw' series... plenty of spooky scenes though.

We had lunch, rice and fish and some au dente vegetables which were pretty good. Now the family is watching a daily series of the Filipino variety which I cannot understand, but which cements my theory that the Filipino TV industry is way behind us in the ability to produce quality TV shows.

It has continued to rain on and off and the ground has long since reached 100% saturation so surface water is everywhere... it will only get worse if it continues to rain which it will...

I just wrote a long letter to Nick, he had sent me a message yesterday wishing good luck and happiness so I felt compelled to return the favor as I haven't heard from him for a long time... that typically means that his life is more or less in order and that he is happy. It is always my wish that he be in that condition.

The day and evening are uneventful, with enduring rain and noisy household minor trials, some misfortunes, children laughing one minute and crying the next crisis and celebration go hand in hand in the daily life here... 12 people in a little cement cottage built for 3. 'tis amazing the things we see as we journey thru life. I like it and hate it all at the same time. A virtual plethora of emotions range thru me almost every day... but in summation, I am having a good time speckled with misadventure, disappointments and great satisfactions... life.. it's wonderfully changing all the time, reminds me of Oregon weather...

More shall follow tomorrow... we make the last trip to Daet before the end of the year...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)

Document from My Writing Nook: Dec 29, 2010

Dec 29, 2010

Quiet evening, had fun playing with the baby and the rain... my gosh, you wouldn't believe the quantity of rain we've had... never ending, only changing in it's intensity... Monsoon storms... but this is the equator and as such, we are subject to that weather pattern. Everything, roads, fields, yards are flooded with a running river of brown water... An experience that viewed from the relative safety of a cement home on a raised foundation is enjoyable... can't go outside, well I suppose you could but the question nags me... why !!

We slept as though in a coma last night, the constant rain and the sound of it hitting the roof was immensly soothing even though we slept on a narrow slab of a bed with a well worn 4" foam pad...

We went to bed about 8pm, I don't know why, probably because there was little else to do.. Nora tells me we went to sleep about 10 after chatting and her having a chance to tell me that my looking at other girls really bothers her. A side of her newly revealed and a lesson learned... stealth mode !!! one must not be quite so obvious in the observance of the plentiful Pinay beauty that abounds here in this land of water. But I will quit, only because it bothers her and she is insulted by it. Perhaps my admiration of the beauty is not something she appreciates outside of her own aura. Anyway suffice it to say a lesson learned.

We have no plans to leave the house today, it is not a reasonable thing to be out in this type of weather unless one has no choice in the matter. There seems an abundance of pirated DVD's here that we can watch so that is probably going to be the routine we follow today. Kenneth is preparing an egg sandwich for me for breakfast as I have already had my breakfast coffee.

I had Joyce do the dishes yesterday afternoon, those were from the morning meal and then had Angel, Lalaine's oldest daughter do the dishes after the evening meal... I see no reason for Nora to do dishes while we are here considering all the available youth that can step up and take care of those chores. It teaches them responsibility along with the valuable lesson of knowing that there is no such thing as a free ride or free lunch... we all have to contribute to the existance of the whole...

Later I will add, if more happens... now I will watch the movie...

The movie was a horror film and not too bad, sort of a knock off of the 'Saw' series... plenty of spooky scenes though.

We had lunch, rice and fish and some au dente vegetables which were pretty good. Now the family is watching a daily series of the Filipino variety which I cannot understand, but which cements my theory that the Filipino TV industry is way behind us in the ability to produce quality TV shows.

It has continued to rain on and off and the ground has long since reached 100% saturation so surface water is everywhere... it will only get worse if it continues to rain which it will...

I just wrote a long letter to Nick, he had sent me a message yesterday wishing good luck and happiness so I felt compelled to return the favor as I haven't heard from him for a long time... that typically means that his life is more or less in order and that he is happy. It is always my wish that he be in that condition.

The day and evening are uneventful, with enduring rain and noisy household minor trials, some misfortunes, children laughing one minute and crying the next crisis and celebration go hand in hand in the daily life here... 12 people in a little cement cottage built for 3. 'tis amazing the things we see as we journey thru life. I like it and hate it all at the same time. A virtual plethora of emotions range thru me almost every day... but in summation, I am having a good time speckled with misadventure, disappointments and great satisfactions... life.. it's wonderfully changing all the time, reminds me of Oregon weather...

More shall follow tomorrow... we make the last trip to Daet before the end of the year...

From denny's iPad...
(my demented mind)